Cemetery of the French ships

in #life8 years ago

Near the coast of France, moored in the reserved harbor, the thrown ships of the French fleet which quietly wait for the fate rust. Many vessels which are here periodically come and leave for many years, intended for use as targets on military exercises. At the sea cemetery there are a lot of both military ships, and merchant marine fleet. Their rusting and decaying skeletons sharply contrast with picturesque vicinities. Today only the few from these ships still remain afloat. Among them — the thrown cruiser and several smaller courts. As long these rusty vast objects here still will remain – it is unknown.

Naval history of this harbor is very interesting. It has been constructed at the time of the French last emperor Napoléon III. Then the area together with constructions has been occupied by Wehrmacht during World War II and was used as the German naval base, it hasn't appeared under control of France at the end of the conflict again yet.


Can you precise where are those ships stored? which coast/harbour?

This cemetery of warships near abbey Landevennek, on a river Oln bend. France.