Smiling is powerful and universally understood.
According to science, smiling is actually good for you because my merely forming a smile will improve your mood into happy feelings.
Even faking a smile will make you happier by activing pleasure centers inside your brain!
Source: The Good News Network
Smile Huge Experience The Immediate Results @senseicat
Smile is a flower that man wears and gives it free and rich without waiting for some kind of response.
Beautiful! Have you noticed that when you smile at someone, they usually smile back?
I am a student of psychology,so according to psychology when you smile,your body produces some hormones good hormones,which gives you a positive attitude towards your life. :-) So smile more often then you do
Smiling activates brain centers and it is an automatic response from infancy.
Yes,it is one of the in-built natural response we all acquire before birth. So keep smiling :-)
wow very nice news post
Wow very good post and nice information@senseicat....nice photography...
If we invest half of the energy we wasted in frowning into smiling, this world will be a better place.
There are some people around us that all that they need is a smile from us.
The more we smile, the happier and younger we become.
and it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile!!!