Bride Catches Her Fiancé Sleeping With Her Bridesmaid and Tells the Insane Story in 20 Perfect Tweets

in #life7 years ago

Weddings are often accompanied with a hefty serving of drama and very few of them go off exactly according to plan.

But you hope for small issues, like forgetting the flower girl's flower petals or, as was the case at my own wedding, forgetting to bring out the bubble machine. (Seriously, how did we forget that?!)

What happened to the bride in this story was not a small issue, but she dealt with the whole thing masterfully. I'll let her bridesmaid go ahead and share the whole sordid tale...

Let's start at the beginning.

via: Twitter

The Twitter thread started as an explanation for why the bridesmaid had been absent from social media for the past 24 hours.

It quickly spiraled from there, though.

Something terrible had happened the night before the wedding.

via: Twitter

The bride-to-be had caught her fiancé in bed with one of her bridesmaids.

(Obviously, not the one posting the tweets.)

But rather than canceling the entire party, the bride decided to do something even better.

via: Twitter

She canceled the wedding ceremony (obvs) but stuck with the original potluck plan.

And, of course, the groom was not invited.

It took a little bit of coordination on everyone's part.

via: Twitter

But it seems like it was totally worth it for the party.

Luckily, the bride had two bridesmaids who were more than awesome enough to make up for the third one.

Obviously, she was angry.

via: Twitter

But she didn’t cry. Instead, she decided to get even, along with the help of the two bridesmaids who hadn’t betrayed her.

The groom and the other bridesmaid had no idea who they were dealing with…

- The story continues -

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