More and more censorship and less and less freedom. Are we escaping the matrix or plunging more deeply into it? Necessarily, as time move forward and technologies develop even more, the matrix will become more pronounced and it will seem more real. That's may be what is happening now. We're so deep into the development of the thing that it's actually indistinguishable from reality now. The "age of Aquarius" is just another created illusion.
From what I observe people are deeply deluded, drunk and uneducated. There is a distinctly anti-intellectual zeitgeist among the proletariat which comes along with a furious loyalty to celebrities and a mad desire for personal happiness above all else(see: anti-depressant medication sales). People remain infantile even into old age and cannot even have polite conversations with people with whom they disagree.
The stages of life which are described by Kierkegaard provide a better predictive model for behavior and offer better therapeutic insights than Freud's model of the psyche. In Kierkegaard's time, he observed almost all men and women achieving all three spheres of life, but in today's time almost all men and women remain in the first sphere. Considerations about what is ethical are left to the State and religion is often equated with insanity in psychiatric circles.
Being held back to the first sphere, being infantile and uneducated is ignoble. Today's elderly have little to be proud of. Not since Dewey and James have contributions been made to American Philosophy; that's over 70 years. Add to that the polluted, war-torn state of this world and I really have nothing nice to say to the previous generation. Your music sucks, too. Music is the Dionysian epitome, the exemplar of the first sphere is the arrogant audiophile.