My Thoughts on What’s Behind All The Mass Killings in America

in #life7 years ago

I’m always skeptical of my own strong emotions. I’m even more skeptical of the strong emotions of others.

From an evolutionary perspective, emotions are trying to tell us something. But they’re rarely trying to tell us the convenient thing or the easy thing. The convenient and easy thing is usually to focus and project outward, to fix blame or responsibility on someone else or something else. “They” should do something, we tell ourselves.

By contrast it’s much more difficult to recognize that emotions reveal far more about ourselves than they do others. Personal progress only occurs when we harness the energy of strong emotions to do real, personal, introspective work.

With this in mind, I’ve been giving considerable thought to all the mass killings in the US over the past few decades, and in particular how to best respond to them. It’s tempting, and far too convenient, to just sit back an insist that “they” (meaning politicians, usually) do something about them. For some people, “doing something” means passing more restrictive gun laws. For others it means liberalizing those laws.

But what if neither of those things is likely to make much of a difference (other than to fill us with the pride of self-righteous indignation)? What if the (outward) focus on guns and politicians is actually distracting us from the (inward) focus needed to successfully identity and solve the problem?

There’s quite a bit of evidence, actually, those both sides of the gun debate have it wrong. Yes, it’s true that mental illness isn’t the cause of many mass shootings—as evidenced in part by the fact that women suffer mental illness at higher rates than men (or at least they are diagnosed more often), and yet more than 95% of all mass shooters are men. But, it’s also true that easy access to guns isn’t the cause of these shootings as evidenced in part by the fact that women (sane or otherwise) too have easy access to guns and yet don’t engage in mass murder.

From the above, it’s tempting to conclude that the problem isn’t mental illness or guns, it’s men, or more particularly testosterone. But men and testosterone are only part of the problem. Men exist everywhere in the world, and yet frequent, random mass shootings (other than by Muslim terrorists) are primarily a US problem. Furthermore, men have for centuries represented a relatively stable percentage of the US population, and they historically had more access to guns than they do now, and yet these shootings are a almost entirely a modern phenomenon.

So, if we really want to solve this problem, it seems that the energy spent arguing over guns and politicians might be better spent wrestling with some really tough and really uncomfortable questions. Questions like: What is it about modern US culture that is causing historically unprecedented numbers of men to engage in the random, indiscriminate killing of innocents? And might we learn something useful by figuring out what these men have in common?

These men do, in fact, usually have some important and telling things in common. First, they are almost invariably “gamma” males. (If you’re not familiar with that term, please look them up—the Urban dictionary has a good summary). It’s important for us to recognize that successful and established alpha and beta males (the one’s most frequently accused of “toxic masculinity”) aren’t the one’s engaging in these antisocial behaviors.

Second, like terrorists who also engage in the indiscriminate killing of innocents, these gamma males are emphatically trying to make some sort of STATEMENT. Whereas terrorists seek to make POLITICAL statements via violence, ordinary mass killers clearly use violence for purposes of SOCIAL commentary.

This recognition raises a question that we’re unlikely to sufficiently ponder so long as we’re always arguing about guns and politicians: Why do these gamma males feel a need to speak through violence rather than other ways?

The answer to that last question is pretty obvious to any observant person: Almost to person, these males (rightly or wrongly) believe that society has overlooked, ignored, marginalized, disenfranchised and disrespected them. In short, they believe that they won’t or can’t be heard EXCEPT through violence.

BINGO! These males resort to speaking via violence simply because they’ve not otherwise been heard. Now we’re getting somewhere! Testosterone + shunning = disaster.

So, here’s the trillion dollar question: What is it about the present (as opposed to the past) state of AMERICAN culture (as opposed to other cultures) that causes historically unprecedented numbers of American gamma males to feel so overlooked, ignored, marginalized, disenfranchised and disrespected that their voices can only be heard via random acts of violence?

I have some ideas that I may share at another time, but for now I’m interested in your’s. Please share.


I bet the media is partly to blame. All the zombie movies, plus the news, they portray the general public as too stupid and asleep to wake up and fix a th problems of capitalism.

Also a lot of the political documentaries showing how corrupt America is.

General populace + stupid + democracy = revolution

Maybe this is the beginning stages of it all being played out in super slow motion. Occupy wall street and the tea party revolution were relatively nonviolent but they didn’t get much done. Things are still the same, if not worse. Politicians Still live in lala land, and when things like this shooting occur, they band together, clap each other in the back, and tell each other they didn’t do anything wrong. Then they use their power to legislate more tyranny against these people.

Two major reasons in my opinion.....MEDIA and EVIL.
People keep looking towards science to simply throw another pill down someones throat. People keep looking at political views, to throw another law into someone lifestyle. How about we take the time to realize there may be some another factors. Pure Evil. What we could start doing is stop glorifying and giving these EVIL people so much attention, and instead start glorifying the good people, the heroes, the good deeds that people do. Flood the news with GOOD stories, instead of sweeping them under the rug. Let the new generation see that it is COOL to do good things. The media shows what looks like a damn leader board on the mass shootings for the top 10. WTF! I'm sure you all heard plenty about the Vegas shooter, you probably know his name by heart and his whole you know any names of the heroes who helped people who were wounded? The heroes who stayed and helped instead of running? Why isn't there a leader board of heroes? Lets make some hip hop songs about helping people and being healthy instead of hurting people and doing drugs.I'm am not saying we need to be overboard loving and mushy, but show some appreciation towards good events and good people, and maybe the upcoming generation will include more heroes instead of villains. Maybe Steemit and the blockchain will be the future of bringing a great group of people together to see each other through our own point of views instead of being told who each other are through the media. Have a great day @sean-king !

I am not sure I agree, but I found the article interesting. I will keep an eye open for your other ideas you plan on sharing.

Upvoted and resteemed

I wish you like it , please show this drawing to you twins and your wife @steemed-open



as a Canadian ... I really don't understand why can't they just stop handing out guns to people with mental illness.... and be more strict with the enforcement. Don't know why this is sooo hard given clearly this country does have an issue with mass killing.

Events that occur and events that will occur in the world in general and in America in particular are evil schemes. All political faces and events, are previously planned by the elite who rule the world. The mass media is just a pawn from the elite pawns.

Hello sir @sean-king I wish that you are fine
God bless you

Every time I hear about "school shootings," I wonder why the focus on completely on the shooting, with nothing on the school.

Modern schools are essentially prisons. Architecturally, they even look like prisons. The wards march to the ringing of a bell, pass through security checkpoints, answer unquestioningly to authority.

Is it any surprise that prison style violence is the result, when the "losers" of this system have no other outlet?

(My thoughts on this got a little unwieldy so I turned them into a post over here, with a citation to this one. Thanks for the inspiration.)

I’ve said this same thing before...large public schools are run like prisons and that’s the experience the kids have. Good point.

Totally agree with you.

Interesting question, and now, after reading the post again, I have so many thoughts running through my head, that I don't even know, where to start.

Since I lived in the US, I think I also gained an outside few on my own European culture and I automatically compare what you say to the situation here, particularly in Germany...

The convenient and easy thing is usually to focus and project outward, to fix blame or responsibility on someone else or something else. “They” should do something, we tell ourselves.

An attitude that actually annoys me, as I see it in so many areas, not only related to this particular subject. The politicians (and in consequence the industry) should do something to save the climate... they have to solve the problem with refuges... and so on... instead of people asking themselves, how they could contribute to a solution.

Unfortunately an attitude, that also leads to a movement towards right wing politics all over the world. A higher authority, (the famous strong (alpha) man) thinks for you, and takes the responsibly for your shortcomings away from you. Which I find particularly dangerous, when all that is tied to religion. But I guess, that's a whole different story.

To come back to your question, I wonder if that is really all there is.

historically unprecedented numbers of American gamma males to feel so overlooked, ignored, marginalized, disenfranchised and disrespected that their voices can only be heard via random acts of violence?

First, I agree, that there is historically unprecedented number of such men, who feel that way, but you have those here as well, if not everywhere. The feeling of being left behind just manifests itself differently. Here the weapon of choice might be cars and I wonder how the numbers compare between numbers of victims of shooting rampages and idiots killing people here in the streets with aggressive driving. In other cultures, these guys discriminate women or they live out their "problem" by joining groups, who terrorize the innocent and helpless... not necessarily for a good cause, that is really "good" after all...

I don't think we have more of these gamma males to feel so overlooked, ignored, marginalized, disenfranchised and disrespected you mention. Actually, I think (at least in the so called Western World) that group was much bigger only 100 years ago. So what is the difference?

Comparison and opportunity? In past times (even as recent, as my own childhood), when you belonged to the less privileged, it was just so. Everyone around you was the same and the possibilities to compare yourself to those who had more were limited. Plus it was more or less god given, into what social class you were born... Over the past decades however, it became at least theoretically possible to move up under the right conditions and the necessary effort. And right there you have it. If your social status is and remains low, either the conditions aren't right, and you seek somebody to blame for that (see above) or you didn't put in the proper effort and are looked down upon, because of that.

And now a third factor comes into play, which wasn't there in the past. Technology. Which multiplies the effect of "comparison" and at the same time makes it easier to be destructive on a large scale. One doesn't just see someone on the street, who has better clothes or other nicer things, one is bombarded with with it around the clock. At the same time its much easier now then past times (even if it was only from a financial perspective) to acquire the means to harm a lot of people, be it guns, cars or bombs.

Of course there is much more to it and I certainly don't have the answers to eliminate the problem. Actually, I think its unsolvable until everyone (on all sides) understands that "the human dignity is inviolable" and the value of life.

I'm not gonna come right out and say my answer to your question but I think you probably could take a pretty close guess as to what it is from my remarks below...

I find it interesting how shootings like this tend to bring out the man-haters on platforms such as FB, Twitter, etc. It's OK for a woman to claim that it is women who should hold ALL political power because basically all men are bad as evidenced by events like this and that men should be marginalized and we're the source of all the world's problems (I saw this stated by a woman on FB more than once and it's one of many reasons I don't spend much time there anymore). It's OK for some women like this to classify an entire gender and beat us over the head with unfounded accusations and claims of how superior women are to men. But if a man makes one remark about women in general, even if it's just a joke or sarcastic remark, out come the knives and claws..."SEXIST! OPPRESSOR!".

I also find it interesting that when someone mentions a common thread in oh, I don't know....terrorist events / killing sprees in Europe it's considered taboo or stereotypical to even suggest the perpetrators fall into a narrow category.

So basically it's OK for everyone who isn't a male or more particularly white male to get their hate-ons for men or white men and start ranting about how bad all of us are. But whenever something bad is done by a person of any other race or gender then race and gender are usually not even a part of the discussion, and if they are, then the person who brings it up is automatically a racist / sexist / (insert your own word ending in -ist here). And the ever-so-tolerant people who supposedly don't see color / gender / religious differences all of a sudden can say anything they want about anyone without fear of being smeared for their statements.

Some times the state of mind runs out of its reserves and violence takes the lead. May be the ignorance of mind, illusionary power of patriarchy, musclular might or the hatred for others.
Anything under sun can make a man mad if he feels power lies within him. A violent act is the sign of impotency, I didn't find a words here to dicribethe act of violence. A violent man may feel powerful but he is poorest of all among his contemporary mates.
I don't have words to discribe a man's voice who uses the violence to get figured. Hope you visit my blog too at least once, it will make my steemit journey successful.
I love your photography. Thank you so much.

Possession of weapons is a key factor in homicide in the United States, and Hinnam is attributed as the cause of mental illness to attackers.

Good article Thank you for charing I got my vote❤

@sean-king the only variable that can explain the high rate of mass shootings in America is its astronomical number of guns, Americans make up about 4.4 percent of the global population but own 42 percent of the world’s guns.
from 1966 to 2012, 31 percent of the gunmen in mass shootings worldwide were American, according to a 2015 study by Adam Lankford, a professor at the University of Alabama.America’s gun homicide rate was 33 per million people in 2009, far exceeding the average among developed countries. In Canada and Britain, it was 5 per million and 0.7 per million, respectively, which also corresponds with differences in gun ownership.


In my opinion ,American sees whites are superior and always will

After killing kill:

Whites become mental ill
Brown become terroritst

Blacks are all thugs
Mexicans are illegal

And so on. We can never end this battle because we separate each other by color and religion

I think most of us look at each other as equals. I judge a person on how they treat me and others, not there color or race. It's the media that loves to turn us all against each other. Just look at how the media titles their stories. they always describe each side of the party by breaking down race and color instead of motive of their actions . Screw the media, screw racism, screw lies, screw evil....maybe Steemit and the blockchain will allow us all to come together and see each other from our own point of views instead of listening to the garbage media who feeds off of others hatred toward each other. have an awesome day @journeyoflife !

You do not see a sense. There is not much attractive direction, neither Alpha nor Beta, your personality usually keeps up with your current position and you are only "in there" ineffectively. People are generally pleased with you and you have problems with women. Only you have a remarkable, memorable feature. You are not the leader or follower, but you can still take on these roles.
Problems will arise all over the world due to these reasons. Understanding this is the primary solution. Subsequent solutions must be found on the table.
It's not related to the subject but I want to say something. When you look at it, you have a very high vote value. I reviewed you with the Steemworld extension. And you like to help people. This is so beautiful. I hope one day my face will laugh. I will be lucky.

The big difference between the past and The present states is that in the past, leader saw leadership appointments at a privilege. Elections were comparably fairer and free. Now, people are power drunk and even sometimes have no positive or no distinct agenda for the people. They just enter leadership like a gamble.

When they start on a wrong foot, they begin to misbehave and when people start to spend as k against such, they see it as people are calling them incapable. So such leaders turn deaf ears at their cries. When this holds for too long, the bold ones go violent to register their opinions.

i think the difference is culture USA is one of only three countries, along with Mexico and Guatemala, that begin with the opposite assumption: that people have an inherent right to own guns. the main reason American regulation of gun ownership is so weak may be the fact that the trade-offs are simply given a different weight in the United States than they are anywhere else.

i would like to thank you mr @sean-king for all your support and i like to give you a humble gift, my best artwork for your princess <3


yes right , I agree with him @sean-king

I disagree with your opinion, but testosterone is a thing which should be considered in that extreme violence, but not the whole, just a part, there are numerous reasons for that shooting respectively, it should be a child abuse, indiscrimination by society, social ignorance, poverty, or might be more consider the fact of psychological illness, but how that person involved in that event, its not easy to make a judgment, there will be held
a deep investigation or to involve the person in many dialogues and assessment, but your writing was much impressed, i must appreciate.
Thank for your contribution....

i am not a American guy though
I have lots of queries about America

as you state that guns and mental illness are not the major causes but I say that it is
why America legalize guns to citizen?. when your are 18 you can parches the gun lol .....
what is the propose of legalizing the guns?
and in the age /... while people are quite busy and they are suffering from many illness leads towards mental traumas.
they even have time not to sleep lol ... they need tablets for that ...

and as tough America is free but I guess there is still discrimination on black and white .white people say that they are superior than black one ...
yes law is strong ideas are great but its all without implantation
they just remained as ideas .

rip those 17 who were killed in Florida highschool shooting

great post.
Upvote and resteem.

Fully agree Sean. Theres deeper questions that need to be asked beyond just the standard having guns vs not having guns. Its certainly not that black and white. I wish I had more answers too, but I don't believe its an issue that can be solved with a single action or answer. Hopefully step are taken soon towards whatever needs to happen. Its gotten to the stage where this weeks shooting only made my radar a few days after it happened. That should have stopped the whole world in their track in horror but in Ireland it was barely a blip on the radar in terms of news. Thats just not right.

Ok. This is a keen expression of interest in humanity and order first of all, as your careful choice of words clearly dictates. I totally admire it.
Now in the eyes of a Nigerian who has also seen many of these kind of havoc committed frequently, i think these men do not want what they think the country has denied them anymore. They just want to stay in the heart of the nation and make the entirety of people feel what they have felt for a while, and have their hearts damaged in a day, for theirs that have been over time. They don't want a come back. So my suggestion is, if anything is to be done about this, it should be for the sake of the generation that might arise like these men again. I think the current one have already lost their souls. This might not be the answer you have expected @sean-king, but it's my thought on the situation.

Now i'm happy i could say this for the first time, for my country and for America. Thank you @sean-king

Yep exactly similar thing I wrote on my blog today. Exact same idea!!
So awesome, please do take out time to check my last post.


Sanity must be restored to humanity.

Differences in race, skin color or other not necessarily have to kill each other, there is another better way that is negotiating for a deal. Hopefully this kind of mass murder does not happen again in any country ..
Thanks for sharing @sean-king

I did not know much about americans, but according to this article i agreed with your thoughts and views. I always glad to visit your posts and leave my supporting comment for you.

Hopefully step are taken soon towards whatever needs to happen. Its gotten to the stage where this weeks shooting only made my radar a few days after it happened. That should have stopped the whole world in their track in horror but in Ireland it was barely a blip on the radar in terms of news. Thats just not right.

Thanks for good content..
Have a great sunday..

The Overwhelming Narrative of this American Life

  1. Successful Americans polarize into two political parties and rubber stamp professionally. This goes against what we teach in school about how free and great of a nation and society we are... but that is what we do.

  2. The money rules and everyone follows the brand of money they feel most comfortable with. There are two brands available (see above).

  3. When the money bets big and fucks up big... there is no public correction. Just have faith in the world view of the brand of money you feel most comfortable with. Ignore the guy from the middle east / neighborhood / out in the boonies who got screwed over for not agreeing with the world view of either of the two brands of money available for you to follow. They are losers who do not know how the world works.

In seven generations they are going to say, the left went on a crusade to normalize sexual behaviors based on theories the newest science was going to finally unveil to the world. The right could not stop the secularist profit driven machines of war. Civility crumbled as everyone competed to become heros in their own right by asserting their rights above and beyond the others.

I agree with what you've pointed out here 100%.

I also think that a decent short-term half solution to the school shootings would be to train and arm the teachers. At the very least it should reduce the number of students killed.

it's not really a big deal, there are not really enough of them to even come up with a good profile. It seems like most school shooters really need to get laid.

Condolences to the family who lost their's really grief my heart when I read about a recent indiscriminately shooting from US and even in Russian some Orthodox Christian were shooting which that reported to be a Muslim terrorists as report says.

From my own opinion, I feel there are three ways in which shooting indiscriminately and many lives of innocent souls lost!

  1. We've missed the road(what do I means) many of children in the past have fear because of the orientation or teaches of norm's, cultures, religion and moral that were given to them both in school and at home respectively, but the question is do we still have that ?

  2. Freedom is good, but must be control to some levels, children having access to harms (I.e. guns ) shouldn't have been encouraged or legalized! Of a true in the past people had access to guns and the rate of massive indiscriminately shooting is very low then, but this doesn't happen or occurred in their ti coz of respect everyone's had towards their norm's, culture and religion doctrine or teaches. The laws backing Gun users has to be review.

  3. Parents, Leaders (political) Discrimination, colour disparity, abandoned, and emotional problems.

I listed all this because it contributed immensely to indiscriminately shooting.
Parents should dedicate some time in studied and monitoring the children, report says that before the went to shoot children at school he has been posted all sorts of evil stuff on his Facebook page if his parents could hv sees that early maybe it would hv been prevented the sad incident. Emotional problems is another major problem that can lead to shooting indiscriminately, plus Politicians has their own contribution to this act, how? Most of this leader busy fighting for power, treasure, and to acquire properties meanwhile they abandon their responsibility as leader to protect and serve people's .. lastly Colour disparity or Discrimination or mockery can lead to act shooting indiscriminately but the question is that: availability and free access to gun promote indiscriminately shooting of innocent souls in this century we are now..

Thanks @sean-king for sharing this Matter:
I will await your thoughts about this as well in your next post.


thanks for useful post

thanks for useful post

This such a intriguing post... I think the authorities should figure out what
are the reasons of their urge to kill and probably everyone who wants to have a gun should be psychological tested...

I love how you talk about gamma males and emotions pertaining to this issue, and not about politics and gun control.

Reminds me of this:

It's about time we listened eh?

I believe they haven't had the right role models to keep them in line. We can be heard but the way to do it usually will take time, patience, and through the right means. Many of these males do not have a good male father figure or role model because it takes a real man to have patience and go the right routes to get what we want done. That is the American way and the way of any decent human being! Imo...

Fantastic piece here @sean-king...thank you!

I think you have to consider, where we come from. The idea that the "Fittest survive" is in our gene, our brain and in our heart. In nature violence means strenght and power. This is true for most animals. We are no animals anymore, but there is still something in us, what represents our past. We dont need it anymore, but its there. Nowadays we call that "Evil". And it is evil. We have to overcome it . We need cooperation instead of showing the dark side to each other. Hope we will succeed. Sorry for my poor English and greetings from Germany!

You clearly proved that the easy access to guns is not responsible nor the mental illness. I also feel that people who can't express their thought and don't get heard by people try to do it. I don't want to specify any specific race or religion "Gamma Males " or "Muslim " or Any other religion. I just want to say that we should focus on moral education, focus on family relationship and things that help people to understand each other.

In Bangladesh, We do have terrorist attack several times, but we don't have access to guns easily. People who kill innocents human has no race or religion. Their religion is terrorist, their race is terrorism. So many valuable comment here I found. Thanks for your good post.

Thank you for this fresh, different view of these events.

I live in the Netherlands and every time I receive news from the United States about school shootings, people immediately use the Weapons Act for their arguments. Both the proponents and the opponents.

But instead of examining the cause, it is decided not to do so. I welcome your position to examine why the same messages do not come from other parts of the world.

And furthermore, in the Netherlands weapons are forbidden by law. No one is allowed to carry a weapon. But you can get a license for the shooting sport. The rules are very strict here. I think that in addition to investigating why there are many such incidents in America, the arms trade must also use stricter rules.

@sean-king Could this be a way to manipulate people? Steem on.

Just stumbled upon your post here and really got me thinking deep about some of your questions that you raised...

I think It will take a second civil war before the truth is revealed about what exactly is causing this issue with men. I'm not sure if you are familiar with project mk ultra, but I would say that the techniques learned during that experimentation have a great deal to do with the motive of the people we see on the news committing these crimes.

These massacres started happening very abruptly and have escalated in frequency while following a very specific pattern. Something like a school shooting happens and there is immediate widespread news coverage, not just on the incident and the relevant facts concerning it, but also unfostered speculation regarding something that both furthers someone's political agenda and further divides our country.

This time the speculation concerned the AR 15. If that gun became illegal to own that would take at least three million rifles out of our publics hands, would be a pretty good start at lowering the intensity of fire power available to our public, while acclamating us to the idea of handing over our guns. And the very idea that this could possibly happen is fueling the sleeping giant that will be our next civil war.

Last time it was the bump stock, something the majority of our population had no clue existed is suddenly a threat so severe that it is now illegal to own one. And it just so happens that a bump stock would prove extremely helpful if there was a group of armed men coming to forcefully steal your freedoms.

I hoped we would have had more time to prepare but I believe that there will be more of these very soon and a stronger push to take away some guns. When that happens the days will be numbered because the revolt will begin during the collection of said guns as it is our right and duty to revolt against the theft of the freedoms we hold dear. It will be in our best interest to embrace the revolt or die fighting for our rights because as soon as there is an excuse to enact martial law we will all start to see what the elite have really been trying to do this whole time.

Regards from