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RE: I am a Recreational Marijuana Marketer Working in Seattle's Legal Cannabis Industry since the begining, Ask Me Anything! #AMA

in #life8 years ago

I am located in Southern Oregon and have been growing medically for around 6 years now. I am getting set up and ready to do a recreational grow. My one and only concerned is the supply and demand. Of all the states where rec is currently legal, Oregon has the best climate for growing and thus I imagine there will be so much more supply than the other currently legal states and also less demand since the population here isn't as huge and tourism isn't as big either.

My concern is that mostly only the big dogs are going to survive as growers and perhaps some smaller guys that also have their own dispensary and are selling their own goods. Also, the market is likely to get super competitive so very quickly and I would think that indoors and light dep are going to prevail and there isn't going to be much room for outdoors. However where there may be room for outdoors it's going to be super competitive and the price will be pretty low.

I imagine that a lot of the growers in Oregon aren't going to survive the first 2 years or will be forced to sell their entire harvest straight to extractors.

What are you thoughts on this having been involved in the scene in Washington? Also what do extractors pay per pound. And do they also purchase the leaf? And does it have to be fresh?

Thanks for your insight!
