Why I own Silver
If you would have asked me 5 years ago if I would ever own a Physical Bar or Coin of Gold or Silver i would have said why? Why would I need it would be the answer I would have given. No i was doing what i was told to do, buy shares and RRSP's through your place of work. Oh how I remember the financial advisers saying if you invest 200 a month when you retire in 30 years you will be a Millionaire... Bull!!! I took me too many years to learn that was all an illusion. There was never a security blanket at the end. Since I started my working like I have seen 2 major crashes but i still was optimistic until about 5 years ago when I met someone who watch his country fall apart and hyperinflation took over. Now we look all over the world and see so many counties having problems, it make me wonder when will the shores of my country start to feel the same pain these countries are enduring now. I wanted to diversify what little wealth i had. I was tired of giving it to banks with their fractional reserve lending policies when they can take my 100 dollars and turn it into thousands of virtual dollars to lend out at ridiculous rates and have the audacity to give me .05% for me risking in their institution. When i learned that we as depositors in a bank were no different than unsecured creditors and that if the banks had an issue with their balance sheets they could STEAL our money and we would have no recourse; I started to find ways to protect me. That's how I started my journey in stacking Silver. The 5000 years of monetary history and the fact that this metal has electrified this planet and that we are using more silver per year than miners are able to get out of the ground has given me the confidence that at some point this INSURANCE against the debt dollar will at least give me the ability to trade it. I realize that for years people have been predicting a "collapse" who knows. But what I do know is that there is a lot of destitute people out there struggling more than i have ever seen in the 40 odd years I have breathed air. I fear these trends will continue and get worse. Much worse. So my thoughts are get into real things you can hold, something you can trade, digits on a screen do not show real wealth.
Until later thanks for listening
Nice pictures
Nice points Sean! I cannot believe how much faith people currently place in paper assets! The economic recovery is really a joke isn't it? It is really crazy how much faith people have in stupid politicians to keep this debt-based system afloat. The smartest people I know are putting their savings into physical assets right now which have proven to be a store of value and wealth over centuries. Physical silver is the most undervalued physical asset on this planet right now! Be patient, a big move up is coming soon.
Thank you for your comments. I totally agree with you concerning Silver being the most undervalued asset on earth right now. Yes patients is needed with all of this