Heading Into the New Year is a great Time to Look Back and Remember What You Achieved & What You May have missed out on.
For Me Personally, 2017 Could best Be summed up as Jumping Headfirst Into a Olympic Sized Swimming Pool From a 100FT Diving Board When there is no water in the pool. By all Means, I absolutely went Headfirst into so many different things it made my head spin! From Quitting My Previous Job, To Changing my College Major, Incorporating a Company & Launching Multiple Websites and Ecommerce store. It is safe to Say I had my Fair Share of New Learning Curve Type Experiences and Multiple Failures Along the way
It Is not How You Fall it will Always Be how it is that You get Up

Looking Back to January of last year, I was Just rediscovering Crypto after being out of the Space for a few years. Had I focused on Just one thing, I might have been able to be wayyyyyy Ahead of where I am now. But Other Lessons that were just as vital were learned on the way. Some of them are as follows
- Never Incorporate A Company without a Minimum of $10K Startup Capital
- Never Invest Into Something you 100% Dont Understand
- Business Card nowadays are like Report Cards, They Get Thrown Out
- He Who Chases two Rabbits Catches none. Bunker Down on One Thing and Execute
- The 80/20 Rule is a Real thing. 80% of your results come from Just 20% of Your Efforts
- You Have to be willing to go out on a limb and get embarrassed by doing something crazy and new. It will Make you Better after Failing Once. It will Make you unstoppable after failing twice
Heading Into 2018 I As Many Have Goals to Achieve As we all Should. Using what I learned from this Past Year, I am going to implement what I know to Achieve my Goals.Some Goals are very Small Such as learning to do a backflip or Going Snowboarding more often while others are far more long Term Oriented such as making 10K A month Online or Learning How to Edit and Create Great Videos.
What I learned in 2017 that is important to Achieving Your Goals along with some basic Guidelines is as follows
- You Dont Know what You Dont Know...Dont Be an ignorant cocky prick
- Before Moving On And Learning Another Skill, Completely Master One Skill First
- If You want To Learn the Fastest while leveling up, find a mentor in your field and do it fast
- The World is Ripe of Opportunity To those who Open they're eyes to it
- Never Hold A Job Doing Something You Utterly hate, You cheating yourself and the employer
- Never Commute More than 15 Minutes to and from Work
- Constantly Learn New Things, Ideas, beliefs, Skills and Trades Day in and Day out
- Fast at Least Once a month for mental Clarity and Health
- Limit Coffee, Tea, Alcohol Consumption if you feel tired all the time. You Will Be Amazed
- Changing Your Direction is Hard and Frightening, But Nothing Worthwhile is Easy
- Hope to Succeed, Expect to fail. You will Learn Either Way
None The less it is so important we Look Back and Remember What we Did Correct and What We Know How to fix going into Next Year.
Haha, I like the combination of deep general guidelines and then specific things like "Never Commute More than 15 Minutes to and from Work"
Some good rules and tactics in here, best of luck to you.
@scholargc Best Wishes!
Thank You Everybody for Upvoting this post! I am brand new to the Steemit Platform and I really look forward to Contributing positivly the platform! I have never been one to be forthcoming and expose myself 100% but I have decided that I will be doing so as a means to show others what struggles I myself have gone through Both In and Outside the Crypto Space. Thanks again everyone!
Great Philosophy! Im sure you have a full year plan! Execute it with no mercy!