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RE: Toxic People Are Good For You

in #life8 years ago

Really well written. And Ayn Rand qoutes is always a plus in my book. But I'm not sure if you did distinguish between toxic as in challenges and people you don't agree with - and real toxic people plain out disrespecting you. I'm sorry if I didn't get it if you did. I'm definitely no snowflake millenial, but I don't hang out with people who aren't capable of arguing without attacking you personally or disrespecting ME. Sure, they don't have to respect my ideas or meanings, but I won't tolerate passive agressiveness and ridicule as an adult. Not enough time for that. :)


I actually prefer to hang out with people that disrespect me. I always appreciate a challenge.

I take nothing personal.

Have you ever gotten any of those to respect you after hanging out with them? Ever made them change opinions on any matter?

almost always. even if they didn't change their minds right way, they did a few months after.

On what kind of subjects? Like you got them into liking Trump, or change their stance on gun laws? They came up to you a month later an just went; "I'm an objectivist now! I like rational selfishness!" or "Jared Taylor really has some good and valid points" or " yeah, climatechange is BS" Really? Or more like "Yeah, you were right..Ace Ventura 2 actually IS better than 1" :O

economics (free market), politics (anarchy/libertarianism) and religion (atheism)

I find that hard to believe, but if you say so! :) Those people can't be total morons to begin with, or you are very charismatic. Very well then. Odin approves of your answer.

I run a freethinking group in my country. I got to learn through practice.