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RE: Is Life A Computer Simulation?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Not to punch a whole in everything, but aren't all these three possibilities wrong if we are the first civilization that are on the brink of starting the first simulation?

If we are on a simulation we are the ones with the "Optional Extras" and that's not bad either, extras are always good :P

We are on the edge of being able to do this in a not to distant future.


Good point, and yes your are right about that it would seem :)
However The Simulation argument simply states that it is most likely (mathematically probable) that we are in a simulation ;)

I know :)
It is still a very interesting concept and it's fun to watch him trying to wrap his words around trying to explain this theses on the concept of it. It starts to get interesting at 12 minutes when he comes to the simulation of brains and neurons.
What is a computer really, if not processes calculating problems? Relating to the supercomputer of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" where they build the most advanced computer of the entire galaxy. (If you don't know what I'm talking about you should read the book)

I have only seen the movie, 42 ;) Perhaps i will pickup the book some time as well :)

Well, then you know what I mean about the ultimate supercomputer ever built :)The books are, well, heavy to say the least if you're not determined to go trough them all. I haven't been able to get past book 4 actually, hehe.

I am an avid book reader, but yeah books are like meals some are lightly digested while others require commitment. And thanks for the tip ;)