Modern Day “Problems” We Can All Relate To

in #life7 years ago


There was a time when the biggest problems of the human race used to be living without shelter, hunting for food, fending off attacks with sticks and stones and being at the mercy of the surroundings.

I am talking about the stone age, of course. Fast forward some thousands of years and today, our problems have evolved just like we have, since then. Today, some of the biggest problems facing humanity are poverty, world hunger, climate change, energy crisis and a lot more.

But I am not going to talk about these problems. Today, I want to talk about the other class of problems, that on the surface might not even seem like problems at all but as we all know, they can be a real pain in the behind.

These are also called ‘first world problems’ but trust me, it’s not the first world countries only that face this, and are quickly becoming ever more universal. Thank you globalization!!

Having No Wi-fi

Thanks to the gifts of science and technology, we have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle and the internet is a big part of that. If your life feels hollow when your internet disconnects even for a few hours, you are not alone.

Some of the elder people might not understand the plight of the millennials, but it is what it is. Memes are just that important to them!!

When You’re Too Comfortable In Bed

“I need to charge my phone but the wall outlet is too far away and I’m too comfortable to get back up.” This is where you get your priorities in order. Do you want to whine about it in real life or get up, charge your phone, and whine about it online?

The same dilemma hits you when you are nice and cozy in bed and you have to pee, especially in the winters. You could try to ‘sleep it off’ but that would be a risk now, wouldn’t it? LOL

Unskippable Ads!

Everyone hates ads and thanks to online streaming services like Netflix, our capacity to tolerate them has gotten even worse. That’s why you want to throw out your TV when you’re flicking through different channels and all of them are showing ads!

Don’t even get me started on unskippable Youtube and Facebook ads. There I am enjoying a nice video, and bam! Unskippable ad on my face, that just kills my mood.

You know what I do during those kind of ads? I close my eyes! That’s right. Youtube and Facebook can’t come to my home and hold my eyelids open to make me watch ads now, can they? How I love my rebellious side!

Snack Problems

Have you tried to eat an entire Pringles can in one sitting? Then you know what a pain it is when your hand can’t reach the bottom half of the can. “My hands are just too big and I’m too comfortable on the couch to get up and get a bowl.”

Also, do you know how much it hurts when you buy a huge bag of Lay’s chips, only to find that 95% of it is air? Welcome to the 21st century people, where you literally buy air!!!

Smartphone Problems

When a company launches a brand new smartphone with the latest and greatest feature, do you know how hard it is to not throw your money at them? Why? Why do companies keep doing that?

On top of that, they just keep coming up with larger and larger phones, that don’t fit in our pockets, meaning now we have to go and buy new clothes with larger pockets? I’m sure the clothing company and smartphone companies are in on this to con us consumers!

Also, don’t you just want to pull out your hair when you have a bad signal and have to keep screaming “hello!” , “can you hear me?” at the phone. I mean, what is this? The stone age?

All gifs are taken from


NO WIFI is the worst !!!

It's hell !!

It's a luxury to NOT have WI-FI these our interconnected world you are at quite a disadvantage without it many times. Having wifi for some is the difference between extreme poverty and getting out of it...for example finding Steemit in a third world country.

Funny post anyhow...I hate Pringles lol :)

Yeah, that's why I used a sarcastic tone on that one ;)

Snack problems reminded me of this.... :))

LOL, It's a huge problem ;)

Beautiful, my friend, just so beautiful! (big hug and wipe away a tear) 👍😭

OK, now I've got to go youtube and see what else Bo Burnham does!

He is funny :)

umm right bro very nice post

Wonderful post my friend well done i upvoted your post

Thank you :)

This post has been upvoted and Resteemed!

You really made it a depressing day for me today by making me realize that I literally pay for air.

haha, I am sorry!! :D

Congratulations for the information contained in that article

Thank you :)

Luckily the solution is also not that hard sometimes: stay in bed and keep sleeping and relaxing :-)

haha, except when you have to pee :P

Now THAT'S a first world problem haha

The story of our daily lives 😂 the “very cOzy” got me lol

lol, I know right!! :D

This post actually summarized the frustration/problem we pass through daily. We even have problem about what to wear because we have alot. Lol
Therer is even steemit

Yeah, serious problems these ;)

Can confirm, ads are from hell.

They sure are. Satan's creations!!

Yeah they are now our problems

haha yeah.

Gone are the days when we get worry about our our daily needs like food ,shelter, etc. But now our problems start from using technology


The iPhone 15, ladies and gentleman.

나이스 포스트 굿

Haha, this is the story of my life!!! But the problems we face today are ridiculous if we compare with the past years when Internet doesn't exist. Everything is so easy now.

Btw, this is a nice article that put a smile in my face. Thank you!

haha, I know right. There are even bigger problems and yet we are stuck in all these. Thanks for reading :)

If I'm too comfortable in bed, I can happily stare at the walls for hours instead of getting up for charger :) this post is on point :)

But what about when you have to pee. Then you MUST decide lol.

This is so true , great post .

intéressant votre sujet

this is so informatic ,.. i like this

there is a solve for every problem !

Not for laziness though ;)

Nice post! I quite agreed with you that globalization is a bigger problem the world are facing. Before the advent of internet we do things in a different ways, but all that has changed. Thanks for your concern. I follow and upvote you.

The world sure has changed. Hope it changes further for the better though.

lol...i totally relate with so many of these problems... especially the wifi, ads and smartphone issues. really annoying when you begin to think about it.

yeah, that's why there is so much stress today :D

I never really had a problem of getting too comfortable in bed.

You're very lucky then because this would probably mean you get things done at the right time instead of lazing around in bed and procrastinating.

You sir, are a rare human being.

sauravrungta!! Thank you, your Post.

The unskippable ads one really grinds my gears simply because its almost as if they are stalking what i have interest in. Talking about oline courses on UDUMEY. WELL it sounds like they are saying You Dummy. They just pronounced it differently, like how do you know im using illustrator or looking up info on cryptocurrencies. They even know if i dont search up those topics on youtube..Can you say "CREEPY", I know i can each and everytime i chage to a diffeent song

I hate the tracking too. Like, let me search for what I need instead of throwing it in my face all the time.

Pretty nicely explained. I am glad I stumbled upon your piece :)

hehe, thanks :)

The last one man. Hits home. I blame Apple. Lol. Went for a battery replacement recently and everything is back to normal now!!!

haha! I am glad it worked out!!

Haha funny and true. What have we become?

As a home brewer, a funny "problem" I sometimes have is having too much beer. Sometimes I really have to invite people over just to finish some kegs to free some place for more! Talk about a ridiculous issue :P !

See? And I thought having too much beer could NEVER be a problem! hehe

I thought that before too! Such hard lives we live :P

Hahaha! Damn, these are all true. XD

They really are :D

I hate that unskippable ads when i'm in the middle of watching youtube videos.

Me too. Feel like throwing away my phone.

Totally true.. the advertisements and snacks and mobile... Everything is very common and very true about the stone age.. haha..

Yeah, these are the little annoyances of life.

Having No Wi-fi on your smart phone is like having a sexy girl in front of you naked but you still can't touch her LOL


LOL, Now there's an image in my head ;)

Oh my goodness, this was so funny, I kept laughing from beginning till the end (that's what happens when you can relate with a joke). This post makes me feel like doing a Nigerian version of "modern day problems". You see that part where you talked about Wi-Fi....... Oh Lord, I bet you haven't really felt the pain of having internet connection issues till you visit my country. You could even start crying and cursing at some point because you can't transfer your aggressions. Love all the instances you cited. Great post.

haha Yeah, when you can relate to it, it becomes really funny.

Also, I'm from India, so I know what it feels like about the slow internet connections ;)

Have you also ever experienced the pain or should I say problem of posting something on your steemit blog or commenting on people's steemit post and all you get is a comment in return with no upvote. Lol. Very painful. I guess everyone has experienced this at some point as well

To be honest, each generation usually has it easier than the previous one with technological advance. My dad in his time used to talk about how difficult he had it in his day. And my sibling tells that to his daughter... I have no doubts my grandpa told my dad how much more difficult it was in their time... Thats life I guess :)

That's for sure! 100% agreed.

Nice one,this is it ....very interesting keep it up

Perspective! Always pertinent (and healthy) to laugh at ourselves. Thanks for sharing :)

Nice post! hey guys, if you like some daily fun related to crypto or just stupid fails you should follow my new page! promise to follow you right back!

As a millennial, I can really relate to these modern day "problems". It placed a smile on my face because I realized that these are not actual problems as compared to poverty and etc, just mere uncomfortable situations for us millennials. It's an eye-opener for us, the youth, to actually start focusing more on the current relevant issues and crisis.

bravo i agree with you @sauravrungta! Having No internet connection especially when getting engage with my number one platform steemit get me very annoyed. AD are boring also lol.

This is so funny because all of it is true! Haha

Hahah, I can feel this, everybody could relate to this...

More technology more comfort more pleasure, more stress and hopeless when we lose them for some time... I remember (not personally) solar eclipse somewhere in america and it did terrible damage, at that age the best technology was like telegraph. I cannot imagine that today!!!