Adult Problems That Nobody Prepares Us For (Part II)

in #life6 years ago


This is the second part in the "Adult problems that nobody prepares us for" series. If you haven't read the first part yet, you can do it here. In this series I am discussing some of the things that we face in our adulthood that nobody ever prepared us for.

The thing is, those are the things we just can't escape and I think all the adults reading this can attest to that fact. Anyways, let me get on with the series now. I hope you are having as much fun reading it as I am writing it.

Struggling Constantly To Find Balance In Our Lives


The moment we step into adulthood, balancing our lives becomes our biggest struggle. There is just so much stuff to take care of and we really can't pick and choose between them.

We have to somehow find a balance between our professional lives and our personal/private lives. While working full-time on our jobs, we have to, at the same time, maintain healthy romantic relationships with our partners, take care of our families, stay active for our health, eat and drink properly, fulfill household chores, allot time to our hobbies and all of this while having to stay in touch with our close friends and distant relatives.

Sometimes it just feels like there is not enough time in our lives, such awful the time crunch becomes at times. All of this happens because we are rarely ever taught to prioritize so many mismatching but important things.

And nobody really prepares us for the sheer number of trade-offs that we encounter in our adult lives. It is generally said that between career, family and social life, we get to choose only two and rarely all three.

Experiencing The Worst of Work-Related Physical Exhaustion


Adult life is basically just work, work and work till you drop dead. A majority of the jobs require working for at least 8 hours per day and 6 days a week in most countries.

And when that sole day of weekend arrives, we are too physically drained to do anything on that day except for eating and sleeping. And during weekdays, it feels as if we are doing nothing in our lives but wake up, go to work, come back home and go to bed.

Even food basically just starts to feel like edible ration that we have to somehow consume to keep us going. Such monotony of life not only kills us psychologically but also physically. Because of total absence of free time during the weekdays, we don't get enough exercise and our body starts breaking down.

Even though we may decide to wake up early and devote some time to exercising, most of the time we end up thinking 'oh, it will tire me before even my commute to work begins so I better give my body some extra rest and sleep'.

Experiencing The Silent Tyranny of The Majority


When in school, if we used to get a question right that others used to get wrong, we would be praised for being smart or intelligent. But usually in adult life, if we get something right but others get it wrong, the wrong becomes the right.

There is no such thing as an 'individual right' in adult life but a 'collective wrong' which then becomes a 'collective not wrong' and this is called the tyranny of the majority - one of the worst aspects of adult life.

Adult life basically sucks the individuality out of us. Everything we do has to be done 'collaboratively' with people agreeing to disagree on most issues, no matter how hard it must be to do it. And people around us will hate us and start calling us arrogant and stubborn etc if we somehow stick to our guns on issues which we think we are right on.

It is extremely frustrating but then adult life is all about learning to be politically correct, especially in our professional lives. The real sad thing about this is that it just hits us like an unexpected hammer blow on our faces because we are never actually prepared for it.


Work-related exhaustion is something i really can wrap my head around!

Yeah, it leaves you totally reaching for the bed at the end of the day.

It is extremely frustrating but then adult life is all about learning to be politically correct, especially in our professional lives.
Well I would say adult life sucks, we have to remain prepared for everything, it sometimes gets frustrating but we pretend like nothing has happened. We just hope tomorrow will be better than today and just keep on moving. We face a lot of challenges and the successful one's tackle those challenges using brains.

Yeah, you are absolutely right that we just keep hoping that tomorrow will be better than today and we keep living in that hope.

A simple solution to that is to find a mentor in life or seek guidance from someone who is experienced or have achieved success in the path one wants to follow.

If the point of the inner-child movement is to cure adult problems, it doesn't work. Reliving childhood traumas gives you a nice afterglow, but it lasts only for hours or days. There is no evidence it changes adult problems...

I don't quite understand what you meant.

The situation in the situation was different, in the continuation of the complete density, the adults grew.

Yeah adults grow in density.....

There was a really great post, I'm glad to see your post. thank you

thank you so much :)

"Mr. Stark..I don't feel so good." :'(

oh man, why did you have to remind me of that :(

sorry lol I still can't get over it... And your first picture reminded me of that... :'(

hehe yeah, I see how it would remind of you that!

Thanks for this :)