You Should Probably Hear WTF is Happening...

in #life6 years ago (edited)


You all love Sasha, right?

But the thing is, he's only a character I've been playing for the past ten years....

He's not really me.

And you should probably hear what the f*ck is happening....

Follow my spiritual journey on The Woke As Fuck Podcast.

Check out my YouTube Channel for more videos like this.

We're going to be hosting the next Infinite Man Summit soon! It's been a life changing event for attendees three years running, and we're working hard to make this one better than ever. I hope to see you there.


Nice work Bruv!
Spiritual Journey.jpeg

Wonderful. I can certainly identify and empathize with your new discoveries. I feel I'm on a similar journey. I also appreciate you're acknowledgement and awareness of what's going on with you. It helps.

Looking forward to what's next.


Thanks for the knowledge 🌻

Good too hear sound like some good shit will be going down. I ready 💯🐒