The best thing about this post is that it recognizes that homosexuality is not taboo. It is here and had to be accepted, even if I don't like it or even abhor it. But does it deserve such attention. There are many sexual/social practices in this world which have developed and are prevalent but not accepted as normal- A woman marrying more than one man, A man having more than one wife, surrogate motherhood. How do we relate to that? Or do homosexuals or homophobic have a special status or are the LGBT just more eye catching. Can I not be a homosexual and misogynistic? or Have three wives and be a feminist?
For the practicing religious people these arguments have clear answers and they follow what their books have ordered ( this is the easy way out). For the rest of us we need to think- what if my son or my sister was a homosexual? And we do NOT judge people what ever the answer. I can argue my point, I can choose to join the group or stay away. As for the vaccine- if it is possible at all, it will be provided free of charge at clinics- Coz our society has some set beliefs which are difficult to break like: - White skin is beautiful. - Thin is in. - Butterflies are beautiful but spiders are creepy
The points you make in your answer are interesting and maybe we could write a post about them. But I wanted to know from your point of view what would happen if there was this type of vaccine? What would happen to the gay population? Would they create their own country to be free? Would religions force parents to vaccinate their children? The important thing for me is to know a peaceful solution to this dilemma. We could be very close to that happening, who knows.
I'm glad you took the time to stop by