
I do that too! If it all gets a little overwhelming, I climb a mountain and look down on my town and think to myself:

"How can all that drama fit inside that little speck of a place. I've been taking this way too seriously"!

That's lovely, @onceuponatime! I can feel myself on a mountain top right now...I absolutely love the mountains for de-stressing. Unfortunately it's pretty flat in these parts.

Ah great words! Just what I needed to read before retiring to bed! Hope to see you at SF2 @onceuponatime :)

I like your comments and would like to follow you. It seems to me that we have the same things in common

Smooth move, @scotty777 - I recommend following @onceuponatime.


This one you forgot. "Gods eye nebula". I love Hubble. It made us all realize how beautiful the Universe is and how small our problems and anxieties are. Thanks for sharing these images even though I have couple of gb's Hubble HD photos on my harddrive. :)

I like your comments and would like to follow you. It seems to me that we have the same things in common

Hmmm, you made the exact same reply above, dude...are you a real person?

Sorry @saramiller, I made a mistake, I am a real person. I work on my small phone and lost track.

No need for an apology, @scotty777 - just keeping it real! Nice to meet you~*~

Nothing like a little space exploration to remember the bigger picture :)
this post. Thanks for sharing that beauty @freedomnation! I compiled some nebulas in

When my problems feel overwhelming I like to listen to The Beach Boys song Kokomo, it makes me forget about all of my problems.
Just have a try.

Thaaaaat's where we wanna go!! 🎶 🎶
Oooh yeah, that's good stuff - thanks @funcore!! 😃 🌴 🌊 😂


Great post, I always find the vastness of space a very humbling experience to ponder. We are truly dust in an ocean of desert. This post reminded me of the bigger picture and I thank you for that. Followed you and fascinated. Keep up the amazing work.

I like your comments and would like to follow you. It seems to me that we have the same things in common.Follow my series about your opinion science and the bible @ scotty777

Soon as I get a moment I will definitely swing by and read your stuff. I am huge on science and spirituality. I am a jumble of a lot of interests but grew up fascinated about science and that always stuck with me. Just followed you, feel free to keep in touch and as soon as I get some free time I will come by your profile and take a look

Nice, I super dig on science and spirituality too. I think the topics have been polarized for awhile, but I love the overlap and seeing how we try to make sense of the mystical.

Its seems to me we are on the brink of many great discoveries about space and time lately, very exciting time for those of us that love science

I think we're on the brink of serious spiritual evolution as well. It's a great time to be alive!!!

I agree, its odd but seems everyone inside knows that we are at a crossroads for all of humanity and I believe a choice is about to have to be made for the future direction of mankind. If we don't get this right here in our generation it could spell trouble but I sense some spirituality is wrapping around us to guide us through this time. Agree with you 100% on that

Scotty man, you already said's more engaging to make unique comments so people don't write you off as a boring old bot. Also, I don't think your series will be about my opinion at all...

You're very welcome, @sflaherty! Thank you kindly for your support~*~

Anytime, when I get free later I will try to remember to pop by your profile and RESTEEM a few of your articles. I run Steemit Blogger Central on FB and Twitter and we seem to be growing fast lately. Idea is to hook people up with a home to see RESTEEMS and connect users to other users, plus highlight Steemit to the outside world in hopes we get more new users. Lots of work but I really love this community and want to help where I can. So when I get a chance after I hook up the 50 people at me for RESTEEMs I will come by and include you in the mix if you would like. Keep up the great work. Well worth my follow easily

I appreciate that, @sflaherty! Great to see the community growing so fast; this is really revolutionary and super exciting. Way to go in bringing Steemit to more people!!!

I figured earn my way around here using my past marketing gigs to help where I can. You need anything let me know, i am kind of addicted to this place and spend a lot of time in here lol. Great to meet you

Great to meet you too! Wonderful to have such enthusiasm in the community - it really is amazing here :)

I am all in here, I been looking for a home in crypto for a long time, found one while I was with PIVX but this here is a bit more my speed seeing I can be myself, write about what I love and meet great like minds as well. I am going full time between my running of my pages for Steemit Blogger Central on FB and Twitter and hopefully managing time to keep writing here so I can grow with Steemit before the huge crowds flow in. Really good to meet and chat with you. Don't be a stranger please

How about this Big Cosmic Eye created by @kalemandra as her entry for the Collaborative Art Journey using my original photo (the center).

What little specks we are @saramiller. So grateful for the reminder!

Sweet, well done @kalemandra! I love that you're so supportive of EVERYONE, @everlove - thanks for sharing this piece!

The timing was just so perfect. I opened up her contribution, and then I opened up your post! Couldn't have been a better fit! Thank you @saramiller--and you're welcome!

Look at those swirls of light and energy, bliss

Makes my heart go all a-feely...Bliss indeed, @cryptofunk~*~

Beautiful images. Thanks for sharing. Upvoted and followed :D

Really stunning, eh?? I appreciate your support, @handsolo!

Completely agreed..I think so too!

The cosmos are magnificent!!!

I love your wording, you make majestic and clean sexy instead of the typical... Thank you!

Your welcome, @jamila-ym! The heavens are so provocative and alluring - I just can't help myself!

These are very beautiful pictures of the universe. To think God made the light first and then the earth The sun is so big compared to the earth. And for the universe I do not have words. Follow my series about your opinion science and the bible @ scotty777

Mind-boggling to consider, right @scotty777??

You do realize those are paintings and not photographs right?

Who cares?

Amazing images there and quite right, it does put things in perspective and provides the space for deep grounding and awareness.

Incredible how considering space leads to deep grounding, isn't it @dominikboecker? Life is an amazing paradox!!

Hey Sara! Amazing pictures and most of all amazing message... I have the ISS (International Space Station) app on my phone and every time I feel I have problems here on Earth I just connect and get lost in space - literally, realizing that we're -as one of my favorite songs goes- dust in the wind ... Followed for more - your gallery is so real :) Thank you!

You're so welcome, @meanmommy33! I'm so grateful that the vastness of space can give us all a little perspective. I love the way my heart expands and overflows when I consider the heavens 💛

Thank you for the lovely imagery. It's truly mind-boggling to consider the size of all of creation. And, of course even more boggling to think about what's at the end/how can there by no end to space? Looking forward to more posts from you.

Thank you @allforthegood! I agree, infinity is an amazing much for our little human brains to take in!! I love a good mind-boggle.

To be great in life you have to follow the best, that's why I follow you, follow me and we help each other