Studies in psychology have shown that the path to happiness, success and achievement is based on a sense of self-confidence, and that the most important attribute in our lives is self-confidence.
Do you say now, but I do not enjoy self-confidence ..!
Do not worry because the feeling of self-confidence can be quickly acquired. Here are the ten steps to feel confident:
1_ In your self, your abilities and your goals, and trust in God
2_ Stop the negative talk you say to yourself
3_ Repeat the positive sentences constantly, especially in the morning and immediately before sleep .. Tell yourself
- I trust myself .. I deserve success .. I love myself
4_ Imagine yourself in multiple situations, confident in yourself and acting with confidence
5_ ignore the negative words, do not care about the frustrating and negative views, you know for yourself 😉
If you accept your mistakes, then you are a human being. Look at every mistake as a good attempt that needs to be modified
7_ Get rid of negative emotions such as reprimand, fear, hatred, anger.
8 - Say with all faith I can achieve my dreams and can not stop ✊
9_ Go towards your goals and the life you deserve.
10_ Take this trinity * faith_application_continuation * 😌
With these steps you will reach ~ self-confidence and success
~ Mamin