How to handle feelings - Ted Talk

in #life8 years ago

Every day when I'm cooking or cleaning I listen to atleast a couple of Ted Talks vidoes on Youtube. I was thinking that maybe some of these that I like especially I could share with you.

For those who are unfamiliar with these talks, TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. TED was founded in 1984 and includes talks on technology, design, science, culture and academics under the slogan "Ideas worth spreading".

So this morning, I came across a talk by Mandy Saligari, an addiction, parenting and relationship expert. In her Ted Talk video Feelings: Handle them before they handle you, she offers insights on how some people are 'natural' care givers and how they always seem to attract high maintenance people into their lives. And end up feeling empty nevertheless...
How some kids are 'pests' pestering their parents to give them what they want and how they got to be that way... addiction, self esteem, the if I'm a good girl, will you like me personality and more. I was impressed with her thoughts.

If you are interested, here's the video.


I love listening to ted talks, always feel enlightened afterwards.