What is consequence? : It could be referred to as the effect, result, reward, penalty, aftermath, etc. While disobedience is an act of refusal to someone in authority.
Disobedience is a terrible disease affecting so many people in times of old and now. It is more of the negative side of an individual's life whose attitude embraces this ugly menace . Many have fallen as prey to their present captivity or bondage, as the case may be, as a result of engaging in this attribute called "disobedience" in their past life. Often times, we do not take into proper consideration whether or not the aftermath of endorsing in this armless viruses ravaging our immediate / lifetime opportunity that could have been a stepping stone to our greater height in life.
This script reminded me of a scenario that happen in the just concluded Delta State, Local Government chairmanship election, where an aspirant was demoted because he refused to obey his boss who voluntarily gave him a four years running contract in the State. The contract was withdrawn from him because he refused to step-down as chairmanship aspirant as instructed by his boss. Today, he is not in charge of the contract, he is not even the elected local government chairman .
Same is applicable to so many of us in one way or the other; disobedience gives birth to demotion, destruction, death, etc.
Disobedience is a broad syndrome that has destroyed families, relationships, friendships, institutions, organizations, communities, countries, etc. It is also applied to our homes; like father , mother, daughter and son relationship, a child who always disobeys his or her parents probably don't get or gain the desired Favor from them..
Now, let's look at the case study of some people who disobeyed God in the Bible and the consequences they suffered briefly:
1: Adam and Eve: They instituted the origin of disobedience in the garden of Eden. You see, before now, man was in charge of everything including animals, but they refused to harken to the instruction of their Maker, there was a disconnect between God and man.
Genesis 3vs17
Then to Adam He said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat from it'; Cursed is the ground because of you; In toil you will eat of it All the days of your life.
Reward: painful birth for the woman
Hard labour for the man
Lost routine fellowships with God

Cain and Abel : It is interesting to note that Adam and Eve were the biological parents of these two young men. God instructed them to give Him a worthy sacrifice from their first fruits. Abel was obedient to God but Cain wore the garment of his parents and did otherwise. Genesis 4:6-7,1John 3"12, Jude 1:11.
consequences (Reward) : curses,
There was a disconnection between Cain and God.
Cain settled in the land of NOD, meaning wandering. There was no fixed root for Cain. His insanity became worst than someone mixing cocaine, tramadol, alcohol and indian-hemp in one bowl.

3: Solomon : He disobeyed God by loving foreign women which brought pagan influences to Israel.1kings 11:1. He went against Matt. 19:4-6 "one man to one wife"
Consequences : His wives turned his heart to other gods when he was old
Destruction came on him
He died regretting "vanity upon vanity ,all vanity.
[source ](
4: King Saul: He disobeyed God, when God asked him to go to the land of Amalek and destroy all the inhabitants thereof but he was partial in carrying out God's instructions. 1sam 15:22, 1sam28:15
Consequences : He was rejected as king by God.
God delivered him and Israelite into the hands of the Philistines.
5: Jonah : He was a prophet of God, but he refused to adhere to the voice of God on going to preach to the children of Nineveh for them to repent and turn back to God. Jonah 1:1-5-12.He didn't think they deserved to be forgiven.
Consequences : properties destroyed in the ship as a result of Jonah's disobedience.
His disobedience had a peril effect on the lives of all the people associated with him.
He was thrown into the sea.
In conclusion, the consequences of disobedience is parallel to one's success in life.
I remain your loyal colleague @samtexprints. One love!💛
We should always learn to obey God. Thanks for this great post
Welcome brother.we should also obey our fellow humans. Thanks for dropping it hot.
Nice one bro we always have to be careful
Yeah, that is very true.
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