It happens sometimes... And it lights me up!! When I receive an email or a message that says: "Thanks Sam, this post really inspired/helped me," I'm glad because, in many ways it feels great to know that what you expressed somehow touched another person.
And I feel even more glad to be able to answer the question; "would I write daily, without any recognition?" with "yes, I would."
Because the simple act of sitting down and letting my thoughts flow, inspires and helps me a lot. It's often a place of refuge from the storms of the world.
If my posts touch another person in addition to me, it's already a win-win. If it inspires a third person, it's a win-win-win.
Win-win-win-wins are great, and win-win-win-win-wins are awesome. Yet, I sometimes feel that I was already winning before I made my posts public and scribbled them in my private, little journal on the bedside-table.
And then I think: How would a world look like where winning would not be measured by instant gratification, but by energy, joy and the long-term development?
Persistence, growth and skill then are not a hustle, but a natural consequence. We do things for the sake of doing them. As we do them - we win.
On the other hand: Each time I'm too focused on the outcome, I tend to mess up my projects completely. I'm deceiving myself - in order to be liked by others. In order to be "successful"...
...Something that just never worked for me and each time it feels like it sucks the energy and joy out of my life. Which lowers my capacity and energy to get better, to learn, to feel good, to be inspired, and to create more great things.
We can do the math now.
What if we were "winning" when we woke up in the mornings and do what we must do - even if nobody was watching, knowing or recognizing - because the act of doing is already a win in itself? How good great would we become in our craft?
It's a scary leap. And I know that money is an issue. It's always an issue. And often an excuse for playing poorly.
Above you see a picture of me and little Shamu. :) Orsi again caught us on a little trip down south. I think Shamu just peed at the wall. He's my rolemodel. He doesn't worry so much - but when he plays, he plays full out.
Thank you for reading :)
This post is originally published on my blog: samryter.com/blog
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://samryter.com/winning/