Getting Rid of Acne Naturally is not as Hard as You may think it is

in #life7 years ago

Growing up as a stressed and disturbed teenager, I was the quietest person in my family. There were a lot of things that bothered me during that period of my life and on top of that, my acne never lets me feel comfortable or confident in myself. I was constantly trying to be someone “pretty” and “beautiful”. Girls with beautiful flawless skin always seemed like goddesses to me and I always thought that these girls are so lucky to be born with such skin.


However, it was later in life that I realized that there are many things that may seem effortless but may really not be. Yoga is a good example. When you sit and watch someone do yoga, it may seem pretty effortless because of its rhythm. The truth is that it takes a lot to achieve even a single position and we never know how much one has had to work out before really achieving that position! Similarly, Taking care of your skin is what makes it good. I realized that I complained a lot about having bad skin but never really did anything about it. Of course, I was hopeless too but to be honest, I never thought that anything could really work on my skin. It was when I started following a few beauty bloggers that I started understanding that it all is about giving time to your skin and taking care of it. Surprisingly, solutions to acne are also available and that too natural ones! You don’t have to rely on dermatologists make your skin acne free. I have recently started reading up on it and have even started acting up on the three most basic techniques that everybody needs to follow to get started. Here, I’ll be talking about these three habits and their importance, Get started, meanwhile I will look for natural remedies too and share with you soon!


Getting Enough Sleep should be your priority!
First and for most, we need to understand that sleep is an instinct and we can’t fight it. No matter how much work you have to wrap up before going to sleep, you must give your sleep priority because it doesn’t only cause various health issues but also makes your skin breakout. When you are stressed about work and other things in your life, you would notice how acne starts breaking out on your skin. While sometimes you may not have control over stressful situations, you do have control over your lifestyle. For example, you must make it a habit to sleep at least 7 hours a day, if not 8 and notice how you will feel much healthier, active and present-minded throughout the day. To top that off, you will also be able to enjoy acne free skin with a glow that nothing else can achieve, but enough sleep.


What you eat has a lot to do with Acne!
Diet plays a very important role in not only keeping your body healthy but also your skin. The more your skin stays hydrated, the less inflammation it causes. Nutritionists and doctors suggest that one should have at least eight glasses of water daily while where the weather is too humid, one should take twelve glasses of water a day. It also plays the role of flushing out toxins from your body that may cause acne. Apart from keeping your body hydrated, another thing that helps in getting rid of acne is cutting down on sugar. I know that people who are fond of deserts find it extremely hard to control their cravings. If you are one of them, let me assure you that baby steps make a big difference and all you have to do is take the first step.


Start Working out Already!
A daily dose of exercise and workout is beneficial to your existence in every way! When I say existence, I really existence! There are no limitations to workout and everybody needs to make it a part of their life. I'm sure most of you are already aware of its health benefits, but did you know that it can also let you fight acne and get the scar-free skin? How Well, exercise is also a great way to release stress and get the blood to circulate and pump, generating oxygen that is consumed by your skin cells and this process ultimately helps in removing dead cells from the body.



Well written post and i'd like to add on a couple more methods.

  1. Hydration hydration hydration is the key like legit half your acne could be gone if youre well hydrated
  2. avoiding sugar and dairy products
  3. washing youre face with a proper face wash a minimum of twice a day( one in the morning and one before bed)
  4. exfoliate atleast once a week!

Definitely a great article!

I have suffered from some sort of acne, but nothing severe. One of the reasons why I haven't suffered from acne as much is because I started taking care of my skin early on as a teen. Prevention is the key! When you already have severe acne, it's going to be a lot harder for you to get rid of it!

Also, I'd like to point out few extra things:

  1. As you said, you should avoid sugars, but you should also avoid sources of 'bad fats', like chocolate.

  2. You having acne is mostly caused by your genes, of course, taking good care of yourself will prevent acne, but still, if you have 'bad' genes, you'll most likely end up with acne.

  3. Having enough sleep is important, but so is the quality of the sleep. You can get 10 hours of sleep, and still be tired if the quality of your sleep is bad. It's important to find the right amount of sleep that is good for your sleeping cycles, and take care that you're not waking up in the middle of your sleep.

PS. I'm going to include this article in my Top 3 Steemit Articles Of The Week-post this week! Congratulations already!

This was an awesome article! One of the best ones I read this week! That's why I decided to mention this article in my Top 3 Steemit Articles Of The Week-post!

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-Crypto Kid

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