What is Scientology?

in #life6 years ago

Scientology is a philosophy of the human mind that began to call itself a religion shortly after its foundation in the early 1950s.

Scientology offers self - improvement to new members through education courses and counselling, and claims that it is improving society as a whole with its outreach organisations, which include drug abuse counselling ( Narconon ), information on prisons ( Criminon ), educational tools ( schools ), anti - psychiatric reforms ( schools ).

Urban points out that in 1953, Hubbard was moving away from the early madness of Dianetics and building his new scientific organization, and he wrote in a letter that he was interested in pursuing "the religious angle ", which he felt At that time was a heat away from the FDA and the American Association.

But many times critics have used Scientology's own documents to show that the church is in breach of the agreement and that every part of its far - reaching business is subject to the dictatorial supervision of David Miscavige, the leader of the church.

The present, byzantine corporate structure of scientology is the result of the reorganization of the 1980s, and a man who helped to create the structure is a former Scientologist named Larry Brennan.

Rothstein also writes that there is a possibility that Scientology can partially co - exist because of the conflict with the conventional scientific community, which hinders Hubbard 'original intentions.

Hubbard created what the church would call "spiritual technology" to advance the scientific goals.

Since then, Scientology has claimed that psychiatry has suffered from the fundamental error of ignoring the spiritual dimension of humanity and has not taken into account Hubbard's insights into the nature of the mind.

In English, the aim of the ethics of Scientology is to eliminate opponents and then eliminate the interests of people in things other than Scientology.

Dear Scientology critic : diff btwn Xenu drops extraterrestrials on earth, and God who creates man from dirt is a story older than others.

Scientology is defined as a religion founded in the 1950s by Ron Hubbard.

Born in Nebraska in 1911, Hubbard was the son of an american naval officer who, according to scientific expert J Gordon Melton, a fellow at the Institute of science at the Baylor University of Religion writing about Scientology on the Patheos website.

Confetti is falling as actor Tom Cruise, who left, in September 2004 took on the opening of a new Church in Madrid, David Miscavige, the head of the scientific Church.

What made Hubbard's Dianetics move towards Scientology was his understanding, among other things, of the experience of "externalisation ", the separation of individual consciousness from the body.

Church of Scientology International ( CSI ), which coordinates the movement's activities and promotes the church internationally.

Today, the Church of Scientology remains controversial, but operates in more than 150 countries.

In December 1952, the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation filed for bankruptcy, and Hubbard lost control of the Dianetics brand and copyright to the financier Don.

Ron Hubbard originally intended that Scientology should be regarded as a science, as he wrote.

Marco frenschkovsky quotes Hubbard in a letter written in 1953 to show that he has never denied his original approach to being religious : "perhaps the greatest scientific discovery and his most powerful contribution to humanity was the isolation, description and treatment of the human mind, completed in July 1951.

In April 1953, Hubbard wrote a letter in which he suggested that Scientology should become a religion.

The utopian goal of scientology is to "cleanse the planet ", i. e. all people in the world of their engraving.

Scientology teaches a thetan to be the true identity of a person - an inherently good, omniscient, non - material nucleus capable of unlimited creativity.

Many Scientologists initially connect with Scientology through local informal groups and field auditors who practice Dianetics.

According to Lindholm, for the internal cadre of Scientologists at that time, the commitment was not so much based on faith in a particular doctrine, but on the indisputable faith in Hubbard.

According to Scientology, their beliefs and practices are based on rigorous research, and their teachings have a significant equivalent to scientific laws.

Hubbard described Dianetics in various ways as a spiritual healing technique and organised thinking science.
Beryl Satter, a scientist from rutgers, says that "there was little original in Hubbard's approach ", and most of the theory was derived from popular psychology concepts.

According to professor Paul Gutjahr, Dianetics is a non - Christian best - selling book of the century.















Scientology is many things, none of then are good. Did you know it was orginally designed as a way to get people off drugs? Have you heard of the Purif or the TR's? They are critical to Scientology and also Narconon (no relation to Narcotics Anonymous).

That is why Narconon and Scientology are the same. They are both designed to separate people from their money and tear families apart.

I would have liked you to warn the readers about the dangers of Scientology and informed them of the fraud that exists in the organization.

Oh yeah...and it would have been smart to mention the numerous deaths that have occured at these compounds.

I am an expert because I escaped from their compound in Calinete, NV and also Mesa, CA.