Thanks for your research in this subject. that is amazing that there are so many varieties. I don’t actually know where it came from as I was just presented with it for preparation by my friend. I will ask him. A lot of local people grow it here so I will try and find out where it came from. Thanks again. I know the flesh is harmless, it is only the skin that contains the cyanide so you may continue to enjoy your yuccitas fritas 🌈
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Yay! Delicious crispy and fried yucca!
Yeah, such diversity surprised me too! We are used to eat them without paying much attention to it, and sometimes we deemed them as good or so so, etc., and maybe the reason that it changes in flavor or textures could be due to they are different varieties and we don't even know it! And it happens with lot of vegetables like onions, potatoes and cabbage! It's incredibly amazing, indeed!