I recently learned the hard way about the dangers of preparing yucca/cassava root. I had been asked by a local Costa Rican chef to help him prepare food for a dinner party he was hosting. I happily busied myself with peeling slicing and dicing all manner of vegetables. Everything was perfectly fine until I came to peeling two large yucca roots. This was the first time I had ever prepared them. I had no idea what was about to happen.
Just a minute into peeling the first root I started to feel a tingling sensation in my fingers that quickly progressed into a burning sensation. I was still only half way through peeling the first of the two roots. I paused wondering what could be causing the burning sensation. I looked at the fingers of my left hand that held the yucca root and they appeared to be coated in a grayish stain. The skin was feeling strangely tight and had a feeling somewhat like if you get superglue on your skin, taught and feeling less to ones touch. The burning sensation was increasing. I went to the tap and washed my hands but this did nothing to ease the sensation.
Being the stoic fool that I am I continued peeling the root, wanting to get finished quickly thinking that maybe I had just had my hands in water too many times that day and that they were over sensitive to nothing in particular. I finished peeling the two roots by now my hands were both super coated in the grayish substance and no amount of washing them was helping.
My next task was to peel and dice ten heads of garlic. As I began the juice from the garlic just increased the burning sensation even more to the point I thought I would not be able to bear it any longer. I rushed through my task as fast as was possible, trying to contain the pain I was feeling. At last the garlic was finished and I ran my hands once more under the tap, for although it had little effect the coolness of the water was in some small way easing the intense pain I was in.
All my fingers by now were a brownish gray and seething with this burning pain.
At this point I had not made any connection with the root I had been preparing and the burning. I was just intent on finishing my chores and making sure everything went as planned and the evening was a success for the guests. I endured for the five hours I was working and it wasn’t until I got home around midnight and googled yucca root that it transpired what had caused this.
Yucca root has cyanide in the skin layer! I read how GLOVES SHOULD BE WORN and EXTREME CARE TAKEN in its preparation. It is only in the skin, the root itself is completely safe to eat obviously.
I could not believe my chef friend had failed to mention this to me. I messaged him and queried it. He said “Really? That never happened to me preparing it or I would have thought to say something.”
I asked my American girlfriend who has lived here in Costa Rica for some years the following day if she knew of this and she said she had never experienced discomfort in peeling it either.
So I guess I must have more sensitive skin than some people but the fact remains the cyanide is there in the skin and I believe everyone should be aware of this if not already. This meek looking vegetable root sits on supermarket shelves next to the usual harmless carrots and potatoes with no warning whatsoever which I find quite extraordinary.
For the following three days my fingers were so damaged I could not touch anything even slightly warm without extreme pain and then skin proceeded to peel off all my fingers. It is now two weeks since this happened and still two of my fingers are badly peeling. I lost the fingerprints on two fingers completely and they are just now starting to reappear.
Please take care if you ever try using this root yourself. I shall avoid it myself. It was my first and it will be my last time of working with it.
This is far removed from my usual pleasant jungle photography blogs so for all of my followers who have diligently read through these long paragraphs here are a few photos for you to leave you with a better feeling than the image of my cyanide burned fingers has probably created.
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thank you very important that you tell about how toxic it can be, in my country Venezuela there is a bitter yucca for which people have died, thanks for warning about this, regards
Muchas gracias amiga. 🌈💛🦋🌴⭐️
Excellent very informative post - great info!
Upvoted and resteemed :D
Thanks very much. 🌈💛🦋🌴⭐️
I am not fond of yucca so I don't get it very often. But I have not had the problem with it but I have had a problem very similar when I peeled a native chayote. Now I need to go and research it. I had the grey icky stuff that wouldn't wash off and my hands burned like the dickens...
That’s very interesting, it sounds very much like cyanide burning from the chayote. I will watch out for them too as they are commonly used here but I have not prepared them myself. Wow so glad you mentioned that!
Wow! I didn't know about that @sallybeth23! Yucca is a very important part of our diet in Costa Rica, but in the recent years it is used less frequently. I specially loved them fried in little sticks, or "yuquitas fritas" as we called them!
I've found in this abstract (http://kerwa.ucr.ac.cr/handle/10669/15108 it is in Spanish sorry) from Universidad de Costa Rica that in Costa Rica there is more than 100 types of Yucca and in recent years two sweet varieties are encouraged for its harvesting due to its low cyanide content.
Did you buy it in the supermarket or did you take it out of the soil? It definitely should be a bitter variety (yuca amarga as @reciclajeymas said). How scary!!! 😓😓😓😓
Thanks for your research in this subject. that is amazing that there are so many varieties. I don’t actually know where it came from as I was just presented with it for preparation by my friend. I will ask him. A lot of local people grow it here so I will try and find out where it came from. Thanks again. I know the flesh is harmless, it is only the skin that contains the cyanide so you may continue to enjoy your yuccitas fritas 🌈
Yay! Delicious crispy and fried yucca!
Yeah, such diversity surprised me too! We are used to eat them without paying much attention to it, and sometimes we deemed them as good or so so, etc., and maybe the reason that it changes in flavor or textures could be due to they are different varieties and we don't even know it! And it happens with lot of vegetables like onions, potatoes and cabbage! It's incredibly amazing, indeed!
Oh my goodness, I am sorry to hear about your horrible experience with preparing the yucca root... That would be incredibly unexpected and I really hope your hands and fingers fully recover
Thank you for reading and for your concern 🌈💛🦋🌴⭐️
From your story anyone can gether information about YUCCA ROOT, and take a preparation when he will cutting YUCCA ROOT
ohhhh thanks for tell us
but i am little confuse?
are you boy? i thought you re girl
y did not you tell me?
Yes I am a girl Why are you confused? Because I say I asked my girlfriend? She is just my friend, not my lover . Sorry to confuse you
ohh so thats it you made me scared
how are you darling, this is cool photography, hopefully you always success yes.
I will upvote and restem
wow......nice nature,my dear friend @sallybeth23,beautiful photograph,i like it this post,thanks for share,
your photography is amazing @ sallybeth23, and this is a nutritious food, hopefully your day is fun, if there is time please help me,I will upvote and restem
Writing+Photography all site is perfect, carry on and go ahead, i wish you for more.
That would have been so scary Sally! Especially not knowing what the cause was at the time. Thanks for sharing this story with us, ight save me some injury in the future haha
Keep well! 🌈💛🌴🦋⭐️My pleasure Harry, and I have just learned from @cecicastor that chayote has the same effect! Not sure if you have those in Australia but would imagine you do .... and definitely you will have yucca/cassava.
What!? And now the chayote!?!?! Oh the humanity! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Well both can be eaten safely as it is only the skins that have cyanide but gloves and good washing after peeling are most important.
a very nice and useful story @sallybeth23, I really like to read it, thank you for sharing this important information
Hello friend and very important information, I am sure that few know about this. Here in Venezuela many people have died among them many children because of the need to have no food and eat bitter yucca. sad but real.Excellent content.
That is terribly sad to hear, but so important , thank you for sharing that my friend. 🌈
Very sad what we live here great friend, but with much faith and god ahead that everything improves.
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