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RE: SteemDance - How To Dance - Men Version

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Wow. I just love your dance moves 😃 I have to try this but I think you make it look so easy and I will look like a fool.. Lol
Have always wanted to learn how to dance like this.
Thank you for sharing this, love it and how you do it outside in nature 😆
Upvoted and Resteemed
Stay awesome 💖💖


Haha yeah, I´m living in the nature nearly in the outback so there was no fancy place to shoot. It´s okay to look like a fool at the beginning. Practice makes perfect !

😁 You are so right, looking like a fool a few times and then less of one.. Hahaha
Practice makes progress.
Seem like a great place to live.
Have a great day. It's night here so it's time for bed 😊