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RE: ✴️ Send-Back Sunday: No one cares about you! Extended.

in #life7 years ago

Well said Zane king 😊 says it as he sees it 😉
So true what you say, can be hard for some to hear but nessasary. Nothing gets better from feeling sorry for ourselves and complaining how our life is bad and others better..😕
All that energy use that on finding your path, getting that thumb from the ass and change the situation as only you can. You are the boss of your own life, do what your heart tells you and just do it. We are our own biggest obstacles. Great written my friend.
Talk soon


Thanks for that Sara.

can be hard for some to hear but necessary

Go hard or go home :)

You are the boss of your own life

Exactly. It's simply taking charge of something that's already yours. If you aren't going to, then you will just be stepped on your whole life.

Glad you liked it :)

You nailed it right there my Zane king 😆 lol
Great post. I hope you are having a great week and I will se you later. Cheers