Parable of the PEncil part 1

in #life6 years ago

The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside just before putting him into the box. “There are five things you need to know,” he told the pencil, “before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be.

ONE: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in Someone's hand.

The pencil is made for one purpose only. That is to make a mark on anything it touches, not just paper. Like the pencil, you are also made for a specific purpose. God wants to use you to do his will and spread his grace and love all over the world. With God by your side, following his words, and his guidance, you are tasked to make a mark on this world through your God-given, unique abilities/work. He gave them to you, so you must use it. Out of the billions of people, you were given the talent to sing, dance, make music write songs, write poetry, communicate, share knowledge, write books. Ever since you were little, you were given an ability that comes easy for you. You can do something faster, better and greater than any of your peers. This is a clue as to your purpose. Use it, cultivate it, enhance it and like the pencil you will make your mark unto this world. Of course, we must let ourselves be held by God’s hand. We must also seek the hand of others who came and had many experiences before Us. And, we must also give a helping hand to others. DECLARE NOW, I WILL USE MY TALENTS, MY SKILLS, AND I WILL MAKE MY MARK UNTO THE WORLD!!!

TWO: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you'll need it to become a better pencil.
Like anything, a thing used or not used becomes dull with time, neglect or use. So, a pencil needs to be sharpened to be useful again. In this life, God said you will be happy, but He did not guarantee that we will not experience, sadness, betrayal, hurts and pains. Evil and hurts, are a necessary part of life. No one is immune from evil, no one is immune from pain or tragedy. Think of these troubled times like the sharpening of a pencil. Yes, it is terrible. Yes, it is painful. Yes, sometimes you feel like screaming at the top of your lungs “Lord, save me from this pain!! Deliver me from this darkness!!! Why, have you forsaken me!!!
But like a pencil, sharpening is necessary to become a better person. It is necessary to become useful for our purpose, so we can once again make our mark in this world. A coal has the same chemical element of the diamond. They are both made of carbon (uling). With one exception, the diamond has undergone pressing, grinding and squeezed with tremendous force under pressure of 725,000 pounds per square inch, and heated to about 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Imagine the force of being pressed together and extreme heat. That is why because a diamond is known as the hardest mineral on earth. It is not only very beautiful, it is also very tough. Folks, this how we should view our trials, like the sharpening of a pencil or the making of coal into diamonds. Problems are only temporary, a necessary step into the making of a new, better, tougher, excellent and the best version of YOU. Accept the Problem, tough it out, do what you can, and surrender the rest to GOD. GOD will make you excel, God will make you better. God will mold you from a cheap coal into the brightest, rarest, and the most priceless of all DIAMONDS!!! DECLARE NOW, I AM PRECIOUS, I AM A DIAMOND!!!
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