Yay for image palindromes? XD Ahh I remember Windows 3.1 and MS Paint (and being frustrated with it as I'm a bit obsessive about smooth gradients and I wasn't smart enough to figure out how to do that with MS Paint at the time).
I just Googled image palindromes. Saw nothing out there like what I'm doing. Faaaantastic! And yeah, MS Paint was good for it's time. Not so much anymore. People still enjoy it though. That pixelated look is a style of it's own. I can appreciate it.
I just Googled image palindromes. Saw nothing out there like what I'm doing. Faaaantastic! And yeah, MS Paint was good for it's time. Not so much anymore. People still enjoy it though. That pixelated look is a style of it's own. I can appreciate it.