Is boomlet toddling? Excuse me while I curl up and die of cuteness overdose in the corner.
Does he have an amber necklace? They're supposed to help, though I didn't know about them til we were well past that stage. We had Brauer's Teething Relief (it was some homeopathic thing but it did the job), Bonjela and frozen teething rings XD
I hope it's the big teeth so it will all be over soon!

He is toddling!! It's the cutest thing ever. He didn't crawl so we thought he had ages to go before walking but he just kept trying to stand until one day he got it. Now he walks and talks on his bum every five minutes. In a cute way.
We keep meaning to get him one. Will have to look, I have heard they help as well. The homeopathic powders and bonjela are in full force. I think it is some big teeth hence the madness
There is no comment here relating about how much I'm squeeing right now because I'm catatonic from the cuteness overdose. Why must they be so cute.
It is cuteness overload! Apart from the night screaming of course :0)