I'm a little concerned about your biology if they're tadpole sized, sounds like something you should probably see a doctor about (or not because if they find out you're not human you might "disappear" D:).
Now please forgive me for finding you inadvertently horrifying yourself hilarious XD
Oh no, is Shady a medium or long furred cat? D: I'm not looking forward to that with gorc's medium furred cat x_x
She is just a plain old medium but boy when the seasons turn does she shed like a maniac and because she licks it all up the hairballing is spectacularly gross. Nothing seems to help either. I comb her like mad and still she vomits up tons of ratty looking things!
Tha tadpoles will see no Doctor! ;OD
Shave her. That'll learn her.
Then sleep with one eye open ;D
Arent they the most horrifying things though, hairless cats, so damn creepy looking!
I have been tempted though, lol!
They're so ugly they're cute XD J keeps saying I can't have one though :<
They are kinda cute, someone on the chain has them. I can't remember who and the more I looked the more I thought it might be nice.
Well, it would be nice for my allergies that's for sure
You'll be able to buy it ugly seasonal jumpers just for the lolz and the content when it's cold and have to sleep with one eye open the rest of the year XD
Lol. I like the idea of crazy jumpers on a bald cat. It is making me giggle