Given everything else I've read from you in the past, I'm not surprised in the slightest that you went from proportional voting to shitting in socks to break windows but I will forever be wondering how XD
I cringed at the description of the hyaena laugh thinking of the pain it would inflict on my oversensitive eardrums, guess the Good Lady's ears are made of much sterner stuff XD
We have proportional voting here as well, I think I know enough to get mine to stream where I want but then after that I ignore everything because it makes my brain hurt x_x

Hyenas are a right noisy bunch! Yes, it was quite the detour but I think my brain goes into overdrive when it starts hurting over nonsensical things which should be far easier than they are!
Next thing I will be getting all murcan and saying if I cant understand it then it cant be right, lol!