I Am Devastated... 惨めな

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I woke up this morning to news that the house I had been working was destroyed in a fire last night. While it didn’t burn down completely the first floor and garage were gutted, along with all of my tools. So we rushed out to meet the general contractor running the job. He told us the house will have to be torn down.

私は今日の朝、私が働いていた家が昨夜火事で破壊されたというニュースに目を覚ましました。 それが完全に燃え尽きることはなかったが、私の道具のすべてと共に、1階とガレージが激突した。 だから我々は仕事をしているゼネラルコントラクターに会いに出かけた。 彼は私たちに家を解体しなければならないと言いました。

The silver lining is no one was living there and none of the adjacent homes were damaged.


The bad news is the $4500 we were owed, all of my tools and additional work yet to be done there are gone. I’m devastated. I fly back home to Japan Tuesday pretty much empty handed.

悪い知らせは、私たちが負っていた$ 4500であり、私の道具や、まだ行われていない追加の仕事は全て消えてしまっています。 私は悲惨です。 私は火曜日に帰国しました。

So What Happened? - 何が起こった?

Some time last night a fire broke out at the house. The fire inspector thinks it was from a short in a fan or a light in the laundry room. The laundry room is adjacent to the garage and is the entry into the house from the garage. The picture below shows the red tags they placed on the conduit that powered either the fan or the lights. I don't recall the lights or the fan as we didn't work in the laundry room and just passed through it going in and out of the house.

昨夜、家で火事が発生しました。 消防士は、それがファンや洗濯室の光が不足していると考えています。 洗濯室はガレージに隣接しており、ガレージから家に入る。 下の図は、ファンまたはライトに電力を供給するコンジットに置かれた赤いタグを示しています。 私は洗濯室で働かなかったので、ライトやファンを思い出していないし、ちょうど家の中と外を行くそれを通過しました。

From here they concluded the fire spread into the garage and into the hallway in the house that led to the kitchen and living room. I think the reason the garage took most of the damage is because there were boxes containing appliances, garage cabinets and our wood materials that gave the fire fuel. Our large tools, like the table saw, chop saw, skill saw, etc. were also in the garage. The fire was so intense it melted the aluminum frame of our chop saw!

ここから彼らはガレージ内に広がり、家の廊下に広がり、キッチンとリビングルームにつながったと結論づけました。 私はガレージがダメージの大部分を取ったのは、家電製品、ガレージキャビネット、および消防車用の木材が入った箱があったからです。 テーブルソー、チョップソー、スキルソーなどの私たちの大きなツールもガレージにありました。 火はとても強かったので、チョップソーのアルミフレームが溶けました!

Our chop saw with the side melted away. You can see what it looked like on the right side.

私たちのチョップは側面が溶けて見えました。 右側にどのように見えるかを見ることができます。

Our table saw is completely gone.


As the fire moved into the house the hot smoke and gasses destroyed anything over 4 feet tall. Below is the living room which is to the right of the laundry room when you enter the house.

火が家の中に移動すると、熱い煙とガスが4フィート以上の高さを破壊します。 以下は、あなたが家に入るときに洗濯室の右側にあるリビングルームです。

This is the kitchen we were building which is to the left of the laundry room and adjacent to the living room. The second photo was taken about 2 days before the fire. We were just about finished.

これは、洗濯室の左側にあり、リビングルームに隣接している、私たちが建設していた台所です。 2枚目の写真は、火事の約2日前に撮影されたものです。 私たちはちょうど終わりました。

Conclusion - 結論

Electricity and fire are incredible things, but so are our firefighters. The fire destroyed anything exposed, but thanks to building codes the drywall kept it from spreading to the second floor. We could see the floor joists which hold up the second floor had very little damage, if any.

電気と火は信じられないほどのものですが、私たちの消防士もそうです。 火事は暴露されたものはすべて破壊されましたが、建造物のおかげで乾式壁は2階に広がっていませんでした。 私たちは、2階を支える床の梁が、もしあれば、ほとんど損傷していないことが分かりました。

When the firefighters came in they of course blasted everything with water, then they had to start dismantling things and tearing the drywall off to make sure the fire had not continued, hidden behind the walls or in the ceiling. Seeing the destruction caused by fire, what hot smoke did to the kitchen and knowing those firefighters go into that really make you appreciate those guys. They put their lives on the line everyday for us.

消防士たちが入ってきたら、もちろん水ですべてを吹き飛ばした。そして、物事を解体し、壁や天井に隠された火が消えていないことを確かめるために、乾式壁を引き裂かなければならなかった。 火災による破壊を見て、どのような煙がキッチンに行ったのか、そして消防士がそれを知っていることが本当にそれらの人に感謝する。 彼らは私たちのために日常生活をしています。

When you get hit with these catastrophes you have to keep looking ahead and moving forward. Sulking will get you get you into a deeper hole. As my wife once told me, if you’re not going to die then everything else can be fixed. It's not easy, but you have to keep trying. It's going to be a very hard year for me, but I have to stay positive for my wife and kids.

これらの大惨事に襲われたら、先を見据えて前進しなければなりません。 スリングは深い穴にあなたを連れて行くでしょう。 私の妻がかつて私に言ったように、あなたが死ぬつもりでなければ、他のすべては修正することができます。 それは簡単ではありませんが、あなたは試し続けなければなりません。 それは私にとって非常に困難な一年になるだろう。 私は妻と子供のために肯定的な態度をとることができます。

I'll close with some additional photos from the back of the house and what's left of my other tools.


Looking at the living room. Kitchen is on the right.

リビングルームを見る。 キッチンは右側にあります。

Looking through the kitchen to the laundry room & garage


Some of my tools are safe.


From the garage looking into the laundry room towards the kitchen.


I'm not a religious person, but I'll gladly take some prayers. Thanks.

私は宗教者ではありませんが、喜んで祈りを捧げます。 ありがとう。

There are 2 pages

I was surprised to see the picture. But everyone was okay and relieved.


So sorry for your loss.

I hope something good can come out of this unfortunate incident.

Thank you Dean. I had actually written that in the draft, but took it out. Perhaps I was looking for someone else to reassure me.


@kafkatanaka さんどうもありがとうございます。DnBしている?

So very sorry for the fire. I too, not too long ago went through a very similar ordeal. The house I was living in was completely destroyed by a fire so I understand completely. At the time, I could not imagine how it would all work out because everything was lost. We did have insurance but we didn't have a complete listing of all our property. Over time however, we made our way and it all turned out OK. Now I can look back and see it was a cleansing of sorts. I wish you the best of luck.

Thank you @liquidtravel. I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Insurance companies are a pain in the ass. I'm hoping I will be able to recoup something, but each day that seems less likely.

Wow. sorry to hear about this my friend and also glad to hear that no one was hurt. Yes this is definitely a reminder that these things an happen any time. It looks like you guys do really quality work and the home would have been beautiful when you were done. Sometimes we work very hard and have one something but do not get the outcome we seek. But often there is another outcome that we did not consider that ends up being greater. Stay focused and stay strong and pull the positive from this situation and everything will be fine. God bless you and your family.

Thank you @thaicryptokitty. I will stay strong.

ah such a travesty that this happened, I hope some positivity is right around the corner for you @rt395

sorry for your loss

@exhige さんどうもありがとうございます。

A great loss for you too, with all the equipments gone and due payments.
Sorry to hear about this.

@jrvacation thank you very much. When life throws us a curve ball we have to try harder.

I am so sorry to hear the news.
My prayers are with you and your family.

@osushi さんどうもありがとうございます. がんばります。

I’m sorry to hear .

@noopu thank you so much. I can not truly express my feelings of gratitude towards people like you and @yoshiko san. 🙇‍♂️

You’re welcome 😊

私はsteemitを始めたばかりの頃、 @rt395さんにすぐにコメントしていただけて嬉しかったです。



@yasu24 さんどうもありがとうございます. 私はいつも日本のコミュニティを助けたいと思っていました。

Oh man my heart fell when I seen this in
my feed. I'm so sorry to hear this @rt395
Thank goodness no one was hurt.

Any smart meters near by? Melt metel,.

Resteeming for others to come vote and
help you out my friend ❤

@shasta thank you. It's is kinda odd, some things were totally burnt and destroyed while other things weren't. I did notice on the side of the house it looked like the meter had been pulled off the wall as wires were sticking out, but I wasn't sure what to make of it.

Sorry to hear about it all, but no one was hurt, and life goes on for everyone. Do not let it stress you to much, your boss should be working with the homeowners insurance, and money and tools should be waiting when you return hopefully. You may be empty handed on your flight to Japan, but then your hands will be full of loving family.

@bashadow thank you. Yes, the insurance will hopefully cover our tools, but I doubt they will re-imburse us for the work done. I don't know though having never been through something like this.

Yes, you are right my heart will be full upon seeing my family.


@kinakomochi さんご親切にありがとうございました。🙇‍♂️

So sorry for fire accident. Please let me know come back to Japan.

David, thank you. I will be home Wednesday friend.


@kinakomochi さん本当にありがとうございました。


I am sorry to hear.

@childcare さんどうもありがとうございます.

My empathy for your losses.

I had a friend last year had the same issue. His house burns down due to short circuit and took over half year to rebuild it. I'm glad your family is safe. It is true that everything can rebuild as long as we are still alive. I understand it is hard, but the time will pass.

Keep calm and have a safe journey back to Japan on Tuesday.

@legendchew thank you for the kind words. Life goes on and we have to work harder, but never give up.


@moromaro さんどうもありがとうございます.それは有り難いです.🙇‍♂️

Really it was great loss....I pray to God that you full fill very first....

@masum44 thank you for your kind words.

noooooooooooooo. feel it for you @rt395

Thank you Paula. I'll get by, it's just one of those things in life.

Oh no! That's a massive damage to your precious house. I pray for you and your family.

@hibiscus-media thank you. It wasn't my house. It was a house I was working on.

I m sorry about your lose, l hope you and family good. Everything will be normal again bos, just keep smile and move on

@mrday Thank you for the kind words. Working through it today.

I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you could get a some donation form your steemit friends. I hope you will be back to normal life soon. There is the saying that there is a good thing comes after a bad thing.

@happyleona. Thank you. Yes, once you've hit bottom everything looks up!

My first thoughts were I hope to God nobody was harmed! Thankfully @rt395, that was the case.

I am so gutted for you and your family, and it can indeed be difficult to raise your head and look forward at this time. I do pray that you can see some light ahead out of this darkness.

It is always difficult to understand why needless events like this happens. So many questions to make sense of. I can only comfort you by saying something that I always try to keep in mind, which is this. "If money can fix your problem, then you are very lucky, as many life issues cannot be fixed by money!"

Try to look to a future way beyond where you are now, and not to your current circumstances or immediate future. I recall something a wise person wrote, "Go as far as you can see, and you will see further."

God Bless you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

@anmeitheal Thank you for the prayers. I do not see the light yet as we are still digesting everything, but I know it's there.

Good pray from you @anmeitheal, thanks for that

I am sorry to hear that @rt395

@skyleap さんいつもありがとうございます.

I'm sorry to hear that...

@wherever 고맙습니다.

So sorry man !

I hope nobody is hurds!

@toshi88 thank you. No one was hurt.

Really heartbreaking. Sorry to hear about this. I hope people can help on Steem, even if it's just in a small way. Keep your head up @rt395 and hope there are some positives that come out of this terrible event, even if they can't be seen at the moment.

@oen thank you very much. I can only think something positive will come out of this.

Oh my god... I am so sorry about this. I pray for you and your family.

@koto-art thank you. And thank you for your prayers.


@mnsk0619 さんどうもありがとうございます.

That is so sad.....Don't give up.

Sorry to hear about that. Anyways no one got hurt. Stay strong!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

@goodboyphilip thank you. Yes, the good news is everyone is safe.

Bad news man..... Lets hope you get back on your feet soon...

@preppervetuk thank you. I hope so too.

Oh! I am so sorry to hear the news.
but I want to cooperate with you even a little.

@amblog さんどうもありがとうございます. 🙇‍♂️

So sorry that this happened but so happy that nobody got hurt!! Were you going to move in or sell? do you have insurance on it? Hopefully, we all can give you lots of upvotes on all your future posts so you get that money back in no time!!

@mariannewest thank you. It was a house I was working on, not my own. We are talking with the insurance company right now. So far they are telling us they will not pay for our tools.

oh - good that it wasn't your house and I hope they will pay for the tools eventually. If not - we vote so you can buy new ones....

That’s a big time bummer, but it’s good that nobody and other houses were hurt or damaged.

Maybe it’s a sign that you need to be here in Japan doubling down on all of your crypto activities.

Thanks @boxcarblue. As I get older I lean more and more to the side that the universe is giving us signs. I have been planning for a while to make the crypto break. Now that BTC and most other cryptos are tanking seems like a great time..... not.

A lot of people say that there are no coincidences. I go through phases where I become more aware of that kind of thinking. Lately, I’m in one of those phases. Crypto may be tanking, but if you were to play your cards right, you might be able to catch the upswing with twice the assets and influence.

When I broke my finger 1.5 years ago that got me into crypto. Since then I have started believing in "something".

I think believing in “something” is both good enough and important.

10SBD を送金させていただきました!


@tonpa さんどうもありがとうございました!それは私を助けるだろう!

I’m very sorry to hear about your disaster. You must be very upset, but the most important thing is that you and your family are safe. It’s really kind that you keep supporting me even at this difficult time. Even though my power is low I will support you every day as much as I can. 100%vote ♥

@miho さん, どうもありがとうございます。私はいつも日本のコミュニティをサポートします。

I'm really sorry to hear this!

I know you've been out there for a while so must have worked very hard on the house. And to have to leave so soon after this has happened must be absolutely heart breaking.

Chin up and march on!

@livinguktaiwan thank you. Indeed, chin up, march on!

I'm sorry to hear this. I sent you a few SBD. I hope you will accept my small support.

@argon さんどうもありがとうございます!がんばります!🙇‍♂️

oh my Gosh, a lot did happen! one of the challenges would be covering the damages. Hope that my little token of support would help you rebuild the house.
Comes with a prayer too that all will go well. stay safe and keep the cheer up

I feel so sorry for your loss @rt395... I one had experienced similar kind of disaster, it kicked me out from my home but luckily my equipment was fine... but still I was at a loss what I can do...especially after 1-2 weeks later from that happened.
I hope you and your family would have normal n calm life very soon... but please take care by yourself first. I always appreciate your support in steemit. No stress for your reply. xo Yoyo

Thank you @yo-yo. 🙇‍🙇‍♂️

I'm sorry to hear you had a similar experience.

Habits and actions are important. I must continue to blog on steemit, read other's blogs and upvote to keep my mind at ease.

you're very welcome :) and thank-you.


@m-yuu さんどうもありがとうございます。頑張ります!🙇‍♂️

@rt395さん、I'm sorry to see the fire incident that happened in the house recently. I was so relieved that no one had been injured. I hope that everything will work out well for you and your family soon.

@sallyfun さん, thank you very much! Your support is very helpful. 🙇‍♂️

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... 頑張ってください

@shibasaki どうもありがとうございます。頑張ります!🙇‍♂️


@taiki9121 さんどうもありがとうございます。🙇‍♂️


@sho-t さんどうもありがとうございます。🙇‍♂️ #jproject !

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