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RE: Why "Fear" Is Not A Valid Excuse In Life.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Sounds like you have a great perspective on life and a successful one at that. You're right. Life has it's ups and downs. But if you don't stand up, you'll never learn to walk. Your boyfriend needs a swift kick in the pants. Being afraid is just an excuse and a way to garner your sympathy. Perhaps, if he is confronted with an ultimatum, He might wise up. There was a proverb I learned when I was a teen. It said: True Love is like a bird. Let it go. If it IS true it will return to you. If not, it never was. I'm not a counselor and I'm not suggesting you break up with him. It just seems like this relationship is very one sided and he needs a motivator to carry his side. I'm an incurrable romantic and I hope only the best for the two of you. Remember also; in the scheme of things you two are young and have plenty if time ahead of you. It is true that patience is a virtue.


Wow!!! I love the quote you used!
I sort of gave him an ultimatum in a way, We aren't talking right now. I'm hoping it will scare him into doing something wonderful :)
Thank you for all your wonderful words!

I only hope my words are helpful, and do not cause undue heartache.