Keep going, keep working, keep sharing, keep helping for the common good @chbartist!
There are times when we encounter negatives in our lives. Its the truth and inevitable. No one is exempted. Ups and downs come along the way.
I guess maybe for me in my own opinion, when somebody makes a bad comments, its not really that good to just ignore those people. With respect, we also have to reply and explain to them and ask them why they say those things. Ignoring them might make them think that we only choose people to reply that makes us feel comfortable.
Those who disagree might have something in them that needs to look at and maybe they need help. I guess we don't only help those our closed friends but also those in need.
Loving those who love us is what we use to do. But seldom people love those who don't love them. Its hard to love those who don't love us, but maybe we should as well show respect to them even if they say bad things. Maybe in the right and perfect time, they will change, we just have to be patient.
Saying to people or a person toxic is not really a good word or term to use or say. It makes them more angry I guess. Just let them say anything to you and respond to them good words.
If somebody hates you, don't also hate them, but respond with love.
Thank you @ronel
You're very much welcome!