your hilarious man lol..
I never been on a blind date, and now i am married...glad i never had to endure any of these feelings.
your hilarious man lol..
I never been on a blind date, and now i am married...glad i never had to endure any of these feelings.
lucky you!
luck is all about perspective lol
Ugh, yes. No longer having to deal with the dating scene and worry about what women are thinking about me are to me some of the best parts of being married.
Like, if I'm walking down the street and I see a pretty woman walking down the street, I'll be like, "Oh, she's hot. How do I look? Is my hair sticking up? Should I suck the gut in, or would that be obvious? Should I say hi, or just play it cool? …Oh, wait, I'm married! I don't care!" And then I trip over a crack in the sidewalk and stumble into a sign pole and chip a tooth but I don't even care.