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RE: ...

in #life7 years ago

Ok... I wasn’t able to read through all of this without breaking some tears.

How do I manage to write this...? years of life’s trials, challenges, tests, searching, studying, practicing the craft, throwing myself into a breadth of depths that might not seem to make any logical sense on the surface, yet formed the dots to be connected together and substance to be fed through these sharings.

And I could still be completely wrong.

My initial reaction was to embrace your appreciation with deep gratitude and awe that all these lessons learnt the hard way were worth something - that could be paid forward to benefit someone else. But there also came the flip side - questioning if it’s all just bullshit wrapped up in a pretty package, and I’m the one being schooled - that you never needed any help to “understand you aren’t a huge fuck up,” questioning if I came across as self-righteous, needing to try convince anyone of that - (perhaps as a projection of some sort)...?

Not sure if any of this is making sense right now. Mind kinda spinning. Both touched and troubled in so many ways. Lol.

You are appreciated. 💓


I totally get what you mean!
But really aren't we all just schooling/helping/teaching/learning from one another?
The fact is that you wrote something and it resonated. And vice versa.

It's good to have thoughts about wondering if you are 'right' or 'wrong'. It keeps you humble right?
And I feel like it's all part of this journey. The unknowingness. The feeling that our truth right now makes sense but knowing that possibly later it could be a whole different other truth. And that is okay.

Your truth makes sense to me right now.

And I am glad you are here.


yep. and yep.

and same. :-)