I met Matt Belair - @belair - through a sorta quantum underground secret society.
We’d seen each other on webinars for a while, and then started chatting one-on-one as some discussions of crypto came up in the group. We met in person during one of his trips to Vancouver, where I learned that his main focus is hosting a podcast.
It took a few months to finally check out his work. But when I finally did... WOW.
~ image sourced from www.MattBelair.com

When I first started on Steemit, I was fortunate to have received some whale support that gave a proper boost to the start of my crypto journey. And one of the most rewarding things about staying invested in Steem is now having the capacity to pay forward such similar opportunities.
here instead.While Matt @belair had gotten on Steemit a few month ago, I didn’t know if. But after listening to a number of his podcasts, wherein he always mentions supporting the show via Patreon, I decided to extend an offer of my support
Happy to receive, he got to work posting his shows. Dude was on fiyaaaaah yesterday. And as promised, I gave him a full 100% vote on all of them.
Because he deserves every fucking penny of it.
Now, everyone has their different tastes and preferences, of course. So, I’m not going to recommend that everyone rush over and start listening to / watching his podcasts. But, I do share this as a head’s up - that for people who are into such subjects as consciousness, quantum technologies, next-level life hacks, ascension stuff, energetic alchemy, sacred geometry, spiritual badassery, etc, etc, this podcast is a goldmine.
For real.
There are a ton of people doing all kinds of stuff in these spaces, such that I’m not easily impressed, given how much fluff there is out there.
Yet upon listening to a dozen or so episodes driving to/from Whistler for snowboarding the last couple weeks... I’ve been blown away.
outstanding job cultivating a network of exceptional leaders and growing a platform for hosting awesome discussions.Matt @belair has been doing an
Some of the things I’ve discovered so far... wow.
On one hand, I’m almost a bit frustrated, as I now have so much more to explore in an already limited time budget. Lol. But, the stuff that is being consistently shared in these podcasts is that good.
super down-to-earth, an incredibly warm and generous human being, and you can tell he’s doing this for the love of it.Incredibly humble, it’d be easy to underestimate the goods Matt @belair brings. He’s
And not only has that love fuelled around 150 episodes of the show, it has attracted some of the best leaders in the field to bring the best of their insights and sharings on it.

~ sourced from www.MattBelair.com
There's probably not much more to be said here, without crossing into man-crushing territory.
I don't make recommendations lightly, respecting the value of time and attention. So when I go out of my way to offer an introduction like this, you know there's reason for it.
So IF you're interested in and open-minded to discovering/exploring some of the best information from some of the most leading-edge teachers, innovators, visionaries, scientists, entrepreneurs, starseeds, and badasses in the realms of consciousness and quantum awesomeness, you will most likely find some outstanding gems investing the time in the exceptional podcasts delivered by Matt Belair.
Follow him at @belair if this sounds up your alley.
And ENJOY what treasures await... 🙏
Hmm, you're really inspiring. You really deserve all the accolades and cash you're making on this platform and even the relationship you've created.
Do you even know how I got to know about you, it was from a friends comment about you that brought me to know such a nice and generous heart like you. Sir people like you are going to be force to reckon with in no distant future, looking at how you rose from being a minnow to what you've achieved now on this platform.
I started on this platform January this year, but when I dropped my first post I was really frustrated about how I got nothing at all from it. Going through your blog sir has really got me inspired.
I would love if you could mentor me on the way to go through platform as a whale that you have become. I would really love to follow your steps. Thanks @rok-sivante and I am @tobex.
I’d recommend investing the time in reading these first:
The Dirty Dozen: My Top 12 Most HIGHLY Recommended Posts For Steemit Noobs To Accelerate Your Success...
And then integrate into your own writing. Most of the key principles are laid out in those 12... ;-)
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your assistance. I will see to it that I make good use of the information link for my growth. Thanks a bunch @rok-sivante
Thanks @rok-sivante. I found out that @belair joined yesterday thanks to your resteem. He and I met last year in Austin, TX. Great fellow indeed, full of both passion and love.
ah ha, loving the loops... he is the one that introduced me to Sevan Bomar. makes sense you two have already crossed paths. :-)
It's connect the dots at this point. The bridges are built.
haha yup!
I have already opened the website. But, do not know if he was already on this platform. He is a great person, very great. I do not know what we will get when we follow him. Surely there is no loss, because he has a lot of knowledge that he will share through the broadcast. He is great ... every broadcast he gives is always inspiring even from different streams with my way of thinking. I think he will be easily famous and growing if he contributes via video and uploads it on Dlive, or Dtube. I guess that way, no loss to follow him. You have recommended the right person ... 👏
Aww, thank you! :)
Nice to meet you sir...
Let's do your spectacular action here... 👏
That is indeed a big pot of information to dive into. Ill try to integrate it into my daily information gathering regime that I want to build ( "On one hand, I’m almost a bit frustrated, as I now have so much more to explore in an already limited time budget." I feel with you lol, informational overload...)
Great to see you posting more often again btw ;)
just checked out one of his vids... First impression: nice to see someone pushing the boundaries of consciousness and sometimes weirdness while at the same time giving such a down to earth and loving vibe. Those two together are not taken for granted, and much needed at this time.
There is a great deal of info from some incredible people. What I recommend is to browse the titles and the episodes that will be of greatest benefit will jump at you :)
Thanks for the recommendation, I definitly will.
Just as a note, I think the most interesting things you have to offer, as far as Im concerned, are your personal life experience, including all the knowledge you pick up and how you integrate all that into your life. Thumbs up from me for more solo stuff :)
Hey, I really appreciate that. I've been meaning to do way more solo stuff for a long time and always seems to fail at it ahah. This is another confirmation and it's appreciated!
Am a science freek most especially futuristic science .
I would follow him and see the podcasts
You have a been a blessing to minnows and dolphin... Good work sir I hope it gets to me someday
You'd probably like the Nassim Haramein and Tom Campbell episodes. It can get pretty metaphysical and spritual at times.
Oh wow, I just followed him actually. I need the next level life hacks . Thanks for bringing him to limelight
Lucky you I must say but I believe it’s well deserved. Thanks for supporting others too. You’re much appreciated
whoop! Thanks for the follow!
Welcome to my world, the future of technology likes of quantum computers, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence
I would follow him for more of it
Congratulations you found whales to support you and I want to believe you are doing your best to help others.... Still new here and finding my way.. A helping hand would be much appreciated @rok-sivante
I need some more tech A.I experts on the show! If you have top recommendations let me know :)
Thanks being a bridge and introducing me to another amazing Steemian. I gave them a follow, and I am looking forward to diving into their content.
Awesome :)
I have read some of the posts published in his blog @belair and from there he is a very motivated motivator and able to adjust every discussion from the title to the material, and most likely with more followers for his. I think it will be possible @belair one day more will be known by steemit users, and in this case you have become an excellent successor for himself in appreciating every detail of his writing about #motivation as well as some views of life that are displayed more broadly and rationally. Success is always for you mr. @rok-sivante and @belair
Thank you!
Your post is the best @rok-sivante
Please give me a follow and upvote my first post, and I will give you a follow in return!
The #1 Thing To Do If You Want Upvotes (And Exactly What NOT To Earn Follwers And Respect)...
Thanks your alert
Brilliant idea for bringing @belair on board to steemit @rok-sivante as we get to benefit from his wealth of experience 💪🏽👍
Thanks so much for the invite, very welcoming and knowledgeable community! Grateful to be here!
It's great of you that you support a new guy around here.
Especially if he does great work.
And from what you said, he's doing great work.
It'll definitely motivate him to be even better at what he does.
I remember my beginnings... I didn't know anything.
It would've been so much better if I had help from someone who's been around here for a longer time to show me some tips.
This platform and @rok-sivante are kind of a gift. It's nice to know there is a platform that may support what I've been doing. I 100% want to continue to create the best content I can and if I can somehow eat sandwiches and make a living while doing it that would be very ideal :) It will 100% happen in time, and steemit may be a technology that supports the work, which I am very grateful for!
interesting article, I am very impressed with your support that is very meaningful for steemians..i as a small steemian maybe I have the support and cooperation from you to be able to develop and grow a bigger steemit ..
Hello @rok-sivante
How I wish some more established Steemians would engage in this sort of act of kindness in support of talented minnows. This is an uncommon act of kindness!
I am gonna check him out and assess things for myself.
Thanks a lot.
@eurogee of @euronation community
Congratulations to @belair, you deserve it all. I am always amazed at @rok-sivante who always actively help people, although I am not good at English but I always try to understand every post you @rok-sivante. thanks to google translate I can translate every word into Indonesian language. Someday I get the chance, today luck siding with @belair, tomorrow maybe the other. A great pride to me if master @rok-sivante can support me, though not with curation. Quite a good friendship I was so happy.
Hopefully you are always healthy sir, and happy.
Greet my respect and admiration to you.
Thank you!
You are Welcome my friend.
Will check on his podcast, i need benefit from such. Thanks @rok-sivante
Great! I recommend either picking a number between 1 and 150 to initiate yourself with a random episode from spirit and then browse the titles. There is a lot there!
I wilk check him out @rok-sivante
N i i c e :)
Thank you so much! Just the content I was looking for.
He is a great person ... He is very inspiring ... all there is to him. The way his mind will be like what I think. You have given me the right people to follow. Thanks @rok-sivante
Thank you!
when you join us in steemi, you get direct support from the pope, but lately we are new to join hard to get support from the pope, I've seen you so noble help some of my friends from aceh, indonesia. he is so happy, I am also happy to hear it. but I myself am struggling to get support from the whale, I can only offer about the contents of Pamelo plantations for all the steemian, because I think this fruit is very good for health, especially for heart health.
Pope...? What...?
that is, rank on steemit
since when?
I think you guys in Aceh really need to take me off this pedestal...
Since a few months ago until now, but I have not been able to get support from the whale,
I strongly agree, I think you are including a very good steemian and help steemiat aceh, so with the contents of the post I hope support from you. Hopefully we can complement each other's mutual support. Thank you
That is not at all what I meant.
I get you must not understand English well, though your comment makes no sense in response to what I wrote.
Sorry, my English is not good. But basically you include our expectations, I can see from your support to the steemian aceh. That is real proof.
Yes! Matt's podcast is amazing! I met him a few months ago at the Envision festival in Costa Rica, and he really is an awesome, genuine person.
Thanks brotha! It was so great connecting with you in person! Hopefully we'll cross paths at another epic event soon!