Catalystic Moments...

in #life7 years ago

Catalystic moments...

Breakdown. Breakthrough...?

Perception not wide enough on the timeline to tell.

What comes next? Unknown.

The suspense... the tension... the uncertain... so fucking uncomfortable. Yet inescapable.

If only life were controllable.


The curveballs...

Tests? Perhaps.

Failing or passing? Maybe only time will tell.

If only it were easier...

But would "easy" really make us "better?"

If only the unfoldment would flow smoother and more gracefully...


Could there be options we'd have taken, which led to different outcomes, harmonious...?

Or are the rough patches the only territory in which the toughest lessons can be taught/learnt...?

When the soul is suspended in waiting, is there anyone there to listen...?

If one could really talk of the scope of the situation(s), *is there anyone who could really understand...?

Or are we truly on our own, the journey reserved for individual, the most trying stretches for our knowing only...?

If only consolation came on speed dial...


Were the caterpillar not willing to submit itself to obliteration, the butterfly would never be.

Were the acorn never cracked, no oak tree.

No pressure, no diamond.

So, in the midst of seeming chaos, would it not be best to remember we are in a transformational process?

What we're becoming...? Who the fuck knows.

Though perhaps there is trust to be placed in nature, of which we are a part - who so masterfully produces its harvests.

Perhaps in the turmoil of painful transitions, there is faith to be had in a larger design, certainty to be claimed in the knowing there are forces at work operating according to laws we couldn't fathom, directing destiny perfectly.

Or perhaps not.

So much we don't know. Perhaps, cannot.

So in the trials, what choice do we have... but persist with hope, clearing our conscience of fear and doubt, cultivating an openness to embracing what comes next, which we cannot control...?

This could be wrong.

Or perhaps we've been wrong all along, living from beliefs that had to break down in due time.

Who knows.

Maybe we never will.

Though either way, on life goes...

(And through the catalystic moments, we emerage anew...)


I apologize a little bit I repeated backwards there is no correlation with this article. Related your post to the newbie so as not to beg in the comments field I have made with the free translation from the original and get a response from the steemian in my country including outside Steemit.

I am not posting a link here so as not to pollute your comment space. Maybe you can see it on my blog @mushthafakamal.

This is great!!

No apology necessary. Your post IS relevant to another story of mine - so it would have probably been better to comment and share on that one. Nonetheless, I am very happy to see the lessons being passed on in Indonesian! 😊

I would like to include the link here, as I’m humbled and love what you’ve done:

Terima kasih banyak. 🙏

I am honored by your follower because you reposted my article. Our greetings also to your community there. 🙏

Thank you very much to you for supporting me to teach my community.. :)

the physical is always in a transformational process,,, but then we are NOT the physical,,, we are what is experiencing the physical,,,, we are the thing that is AWAKE that says "I-AM" in thought,, the "non-physical" (use to be called the spiritual realm- see Descartes). We are NOT what is being observed or experienced (aka the body) we are the "OBSERVER" the VERB the ACTION of HAVING an EXPERIENCE,,, in our cases of a human body.... or a car or a bicycle,,,, but non of those are us,,, we are a Fractal Holograph of the great "I-AM" that is going on inside of everything.

I have read your writing, but unfortunately this time I can not understand the meaning of your writing. This confuses me in translating it due to my lack of understanding of English, my stupid fucking.

I found many words that meant failure, chaos and destruction.

this is very good writing, I am sure that you write this wholeheartedly. Each sentence has given a very profound meaning.

In my opinion: Everyone must have a tough time in his life. Not many people are immune to these "difficult" times. We will face pain, anxiety, fear, anger and make the people around us also feel the slightest feeling.

Everyone will struggle to get up, continue their life and become a more mature person. I believe that everyone needs a problem that will help them achieve their success.

Sure, all back to each other's personal. How they see the problem itself. Whether they experience a downturn, choose to be victimized and seek a scapegoat over their problem or be a winner and resolve the issue with confidence.

If you are currently down or down, whether due to business, work, complicated relationships, or making a small fatal blunder, this article will help you to see your condition as a great opportunity to grow, become a better person again.

We will discuss how to rise from adversity and become a better person through the process of life that we all can not resist.

master, can you drop by on my blog? take a moment of your time to do that, and hope you are interested, thank you very much, I do not mean to spam your comment column, if you are less pleased I will delete it, thank you, have a nice day! success !!!


im sorry

Even if it you didn’t fully understand the English, it sounds like you understood part of the essence.... :-)

I try to recite it repeatedly and translate it every sentence with the help of my friend. before I translate using google tranlate engine. however, unfortunately the translation is less understood. thank you for coming my blog. thanks for the upvotenya. can I communicate with you through steemitchat or maybe through discord, can you share the link with me. there are many things that I want to convey with you. thank you for your response. success!!!

I am the chairman of the NSC community, very helpful with your post @ rok-sivante, as well as the deeper description of my work in NSC @mushthafakamal community. Because of your post and my co-worker, answer all the questions newbie directed to us. Now it is no longer a question about upvote and ask in upvote.

I find it helps to ride out the rough patches by remembering that we set ourselves on this lifetime's path before we got here.
I also subscribe to the 'there are elements of freewill in amongst our destiny' philosophy. Some parts of our life are set in stone, while the paths in between getting from stone to stone are what is left to free will.
I also believe we will never have access to the full picture while we are here (that would blow our tiny brains, lol) but we do once we are back up there.
I agree it is really tough to keep the faith when you're going through the really, really rocky stuff - and of course those are the times you need it the most. And hey, if a lesson wasn't tough, we wouldn't take so much notice of it would we?
We are all in that ever-upward spiral to re-enlightenment, I think. :)

Greetings senior @rok-sivante, you are one of my motivators in this platform. This is a great post, but this time I do not want to comment on the content of this post. I just want to say that your work and some other motivators are able to change the way I think, I was in the learning phase, today I started to practice while learning, thanks to the magical oration from you all. Yesterday I am still trying to share your great post, and today I started stepping on your former footing yesterday. I have a post that makes me force you to visit my blog, if not coercion,Or suppose I'm begging , because people beg for more noble knowledge than people have knowledge that does not share, is not it? Hehe. I'm not asking you vote, just visit and leave a comment that could be a capital for me to be better. As you said, I want to learn fishing, not just lecturing, I want to practice while learning, and you are my role model. 😊
Here's the link:

Very powerful piece, thanks for sharing it. It is my point of view that chaos can be that catalyst towards a better future, we must endure and learn through the harder times in life, so that we can enjoy and appreciate the best times.

Any time that I am in a stressful or worrying situation, I try to remind myself of why I am in that situation - it generally calms me to know that there is a reason for me being there.

Thanks for the great post.

Great piece. I can feel the feeling what you're saying about the caterpillar allowing obliteration. The loosening of ideas, the letting go. Loved reading this. Always appreciate remembering that we're in transition. Always, constantly.

I often think of our bodies as "earth suits." They are basically a physical vessel allowing our souls to interact with this physical plain. What lessons or purpose we are here for we won't know until we pass into the next realm. Enjoy the journey!

I seriously like how you presented this post. It's a perfect example of mind rambling (although excuse if this was pre-written, I don't mean no harm). As I read this it was just the resemblance to my own mind. How I think when I have time to take a time-off and sit by myself in silence. It's just wonderful how your mind can jump from one thought to another and get all grazy in all of it.
But there is, as I translated from your rambling, a downside to this. In the end of your thoughts you realize you got nowhere with this. In the middle of your monolouge you feel like you're getting somewhere. Like you're seeing the point of everything, but in the end you still reach that one spot where you don't know anything exactly. Everything is just so much bigger than you can ever imagine and you wonder how could anyone know where they stand. How can one be so calm and happy in their bubble and the other wander so far in their mind.

I hope you understood what I was trying to say. I rambled. Kappa ^^

But there is, as I translated from your rambling, a downside to this. In the end of your thoughts you realize you got nowhere with this. In the middle of your monolouge you feel like you're getting somewhere. Like you're seeing the point of everything, but in the end you still reach that one spot where you don't know anything exactly.

Haha, interesting translation, though I can’t say that’s an accurate reflection of where I was coming from with any of this. However, that’s part of the magic in some of my writing - it provides the space for readers’ own reflections and interpretations, at times.

Some might say “rambling,” others “stream of consciousness.” And there’s sometimes much good to be extracted through such flow, removing the filters and checks that’d slow one down from the explorations... ;-)

Yeah, this is exactly like you said - gives space for own interpretations. Or it's just me, because I always wander out of the zone a bit.
Didn't mean rambling as a bad word though, it just how I describe saying exactly what's on the mind, writing it down and not taking back anything you just said.

I'll take the big duties in my life and I'll act as a catalyst.

Is this a poem right? man yeah certainly sometimes we feel like we are just trying to break the cocoon to become something better, like every day we live is a new test to break up the prison we live in, to finally explode and become the best version of ourselves, amazing post man really full of thoughs.

I never really wrote it with intention of it being poetry, though some might interpret it as such... :-)

actually i do not really like poetry. but the words you use have their own meaning in life ...

I like it very much


Can’t say i’m much of a poetry fan myself, either. Though sometimes writing will take its own form and just gotta let it flow, regardless of our preferences of style...

I am still trying to figure out how to make the most behind the magical chaos of uncertainty.

I do not understand where the direction of this writing you go. if it pleases allow you to explain to me in order for me to understand. thank you @rok-sivante

A lot of inspiration that I get from your post @rok-sivante. And also very much that I can follow from you. And what you teach and what you write will not be paid at any value. So great your social. I will remember you for her

Realy amazing post. Thanks for share

Some times I read your post @rok-sivante, you always ask questions in the post, besides you can also open other people's mind to be better, I like your way of thinking, if I have high power value I must respect other people, but I am still a plankton who keeps waiting for the pope to come.

But after I learned and also changed my behavior in steemit, I was more satisfied even though the value is small. I want to learn from you, thanks for the inspiration.


Excuse me sir,
I'm @bangmimi, I'm from Indonesia.

I think, if indeed there is damage, then do not be added damaged. Let's fix it so it's not badly damaged.

Because failure is a natural thing in a trial. if it fails keep trying and trying.

Sir, if you have time, let's visit my blog @bangmimi