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RE: How To Comfort Someone Who Is Mourning. What Helped Me When I Lost My Sister.

in #life7 years ago

That's always a hard thing to handle. I wouldn't say I know how to handle expressing my condolences or even how to receive them. But I always try to be human and to empathize without being intrusive. Different people process things differently and respond to different type of consolation.

What I personally don't respond well to and really makes angry is people taking the time to proselytize. One shouldn't be trying to sell their religion to people when they are most vulnerable.

I'm vary glad to read that a pastor is not suggesting things like explaining that the person is in heaven and talking about God's plan.


You're right on all counts—people do respond differently. Hopefully, if they are friends of yours, you'll have a sense of the best way, whether through a card, or a phone call, etc.

And thanks for the affirmation. Especially if I know someone is not a Christian, I don't share biblical things. I support the person. I ask them how they're doing. I offer help and support. Thanks for the comment.

That is the kind and human thing to do.