OCEAN personality score: the big five and a closer look at my life influences...includes original graphic art

in #life8 years ago (edited)


Some of you may have heard about the OCEAN score, but if not then it's something you should check out, if you like to know things about yourself. Me, personally, I am into astrology and the Chinese zodiac. It is like a window into your life. After being an adult for over a decade now, I have realized that my personality can often be a hindrance to my life, if I do not keep track of it. Knowing the ins and outs of how I work, as a person, has been crucial to the building of my relationships. Differences in people's personalities, and their coinciding communication styles, fascinates me. I have learned a lot from studying these differences and how I can use them to convey my message better, or to better understand the other person I am trying to communicate with.

The OCEAN score: A big five personality quiz

Openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism

I scored differently than I thought I would have, on this test, but that is why it is intriguing. It could just mean that I am getting older, and I have yet to admit it to myself. :) If anyone else has taken this test, I would love to hear your feedback on how we relate or don't in any category. You can always take this quiz for free here.


Apparently I’m only 70% open, which hints at my conservative side. I tend to seek out things I am good at, but I enjoy new types of music and changing work environments. Some things I want to stay the same, but I am good at adjusting to change. I would definitely label myself unique in this category because the way I was raised, was to be very open, and to never judge other people's choices.


Neither aware nor unaware, I am only 58% accountable for my own actions, lol. I consider myself organized and disciplined, but my score reveals that my ideals vary significantly from my actions. I would like to consider my self conscientious, but I admit I am highly distracted. I also have not had anyone else to think about very much, besides my son, who takes up most of my time. <3


The highest score yet, I am 79% extroverted, which is the most true of me. I’ve always been outgoing, and, when acceptable, uninhibited. The filter between my brain and my mouth is very thin. :-) I need social groups to feel okay about myself. Turns out, a larger portion of me than I would like to admit, aligns my views with what society deems popular. I allow my inner principles to gain foothold based on those of my external environment.


I am 57% agreeable. How much I agree with this statement is determinable. LOL! :-) I would like to think I was agreeable…



Surprisingly, I am mostly relaxed, at only 37% neurotic. With so much on my plate right now, I feel very neurotic, but it could also be my spastic environment lol. Curious too, I was raised to act confident whether I truly was or wasn’t. I feel secure in my own religion and spirituality, but I feel upheaval in my emotions and support base. Also, I consider myself high-strung. Maybe I was just relaxed while taking this test, or maybe I was lying to myself, lol. Or maybe I am worrying too much about things that truly do not bother me. Either way, I found this surprising, in a good way.

Life influences...

Growing up, I’d say the biggest influences of these results were my Mother and her friends. Also, my grandfather was a bigger male model in my life than my Father. Being from a rural, agricultural town, I grew up conservative and simplistic. Society, however, deemed my Mother a black sheep, because she had us all with different dads. And this, I believe, greatly influenced my openness and accountability for myself.

My extroverted personality could be the result of a rural upbringing under a single mother of three at home and me the oldest. I had to make my brother and sister’s lunch and walk them to school, which I did proudly, though I had no choice. They looked up to me. As the oldest, I was naturally in charge.

I also had to assert myself or crumple into nothingness from the pain of social outcast, due to third-degree burns over the lower half of my body at age 6. No one in that small town had ever seen a body with so much scarring, and they treated me like a freak. True, no one had ever lived through such a burn at that young of an age, but other 6 year olds saw me as an outcast and so that is how I came to see myself. It was either be proud about it or try and hide it, and being proud was just easier, since swimming was something I wasn’t about to give up. Sorry to get so heavy, psychology is so amazing though! I hope we can all take our life experiences and turn them into strengths of character!


XO :-D Cheers!

Follow me @robyneggs


  1. Potter, J. (2015) The big five project: personality test. [Web] Retrieved from http://www.outofservice.com/bigfive/
  2. Wade, C., & Tavris, C., (2012) Invitation to Psychology. 5th edition. [Ebook] Retrieved from https://online.vitalsource.com/#/books/


Photo by @nebcat

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So I did this test because you've been a bit of a whirlwind here on Steemit these last few days, and I'm intrigued by your work :) Interesting results... apparently I'm nervous and extremely open to new experiences

interesting....cool! thanks for playing :D I am honestly trying to write more of what I think people will read, since my poetry is not taking off yet....any tips @prufarchy?

I don't know, really. I came to Steemit looking for an honest place where I can read, write, learn and share and work with other creative people. My poetry hasn't really "taken off" yet either, but that's okay. It relieves the existential pressure on my soul to write. As for tips... Honestly if you're really good at any one thing, make a tutorial. If you have a crazy experience, share it and make it impactful. If you have an observation that you think could produce dialogue in the community, get it out there.

The best tip? Try to forget about any of your posts "taking off" or financial success. I've seen it come and go for authors over the last two months. Just put your head down, keep writing from your heart and most importantly, keep communicating with the community. Community has been what's kept me on Steemit... that, and ignoring the trending page for the "new" page. I'd rather meet 5 new community members who have awesome things to share or say than spend afternoons and evenings spamming links to whales. Nothing wrong with trying to get a whale's attention, but it seems like a job or a seeking of validation, and that's never been my thing.

I hope this helps even a little, I've really enjoyed getting to meet and know you :)

Yes it helps a lot!!! Thank you. The connections I have found mean the most to me, as well. :D

You are beautiful inside out and I have a feeling your life will get more amazing than you can imagine ;)