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RE: I Do Not Like Independent Women

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Being an "independent woman" as it is discussed in the context of our modern day society is referring to how these women operate in comparison to the immediate World around them.

It does not have anything to do with religious connotation.

I know plenty of "independent women" who are quite dependant on a greater power a.k.a God.

You are mixing up the two , like they are the same. They're not.

P.S. Also a "independent woman" also does not mean a woman who does not need anyone here on Earth or who wants to be alone. I do not know where you are from but here in the US an "independent woman" is more of a state of mind than of a physical sense. They are independant in that they can go out and do things on their own terms with or without anyone else. In many cases they choose to have many people around them and are NOT alone. But they still are an "independent woman" with a free thinking and independent mind

P.S. Sorry, I have a lot to say lol You may not like an "independent woman" but I can tell you without any hesitation Iam raising two young daughters of mine to be very, very, very "independent women". Make no mistake about that whether people like you like it or not.. I could care less !!! And they will have the choice when they are adults of whether they want to be around a lot of people or just alone. I suspect if now is any indication they will have many, many people around them as adult women. They might even have a husband who at times they may depend on. But I teach them they do not need any man for anything unless they so desire based on real love . They will be self sufficient. And their minds and brains will ALWAYS be of an "independent woman"..and one who believes and loves God !!


Wow, that is one of the most thought out comments I have had in a while. This is why I write - to create conversations.

Cannot say I agree with you in full, but I respect where you are coming from. It sounds like you are a caring father who is all about raising strong ladies who think independently - that I completely concur with.

Thank you @lydon.sipe. I get what you're saying. And I do appreciate where you are coming from. I to believe in God, and I agree that there are people who wish to go life "completely" alone. To me that is sad. And it's not the way I want to bring up my girls. Thanks for your Post.

I know I may have come off that I was preaching but just real passionate about this. Sorry , if I came off a little abrasive :)

No harm, no foul. Thank you for speaking for what you care about in a kind manner - we need more of that. :)