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RE: I Do Not Like Independent Women

in #life7 years ago (edited) live in a bubble then . Of course because you experience this and that then is must be Truth, right ?? lol

No body is using anything as a crutch. You get people who are 12 year old gymnasts who are assaulted jst because they have a vagina between their legs...then we have a problem in Society.

As I said this is real stuff that is happening real time and noone is using any crutches around here.



Having been molested by a family member for a large part of my childhood, if the worst thing that happened to me was a few fingers being stuck between my legs, trust me I would still be functional. Your perception is skewed because you have daughters and most likely a wife.

Eww... now you are just being indecent and living up to your name.

I was thinking we could have a dialogue . Thanks but no thanks. You can have at it, though.


LOL...Classic. Thought twice, huh ?? For someone who is supposedly so "mature " enough in talking of the inequities in Life, you sure have little staying power with letting your Convictions remain permanently engraved on the Blockchain ;)

You really need to stop trolling, I have flagged all your comments. You really need to find something better to do. I cant believe I am taking maturity lessons from a guy that spends his Friday nights harassing people that have been sexually abused about their abuse. You have serve mental health issues and your intolerant actions will eventually catchup with you. I removed my previous comments not for their content, I removed them because I didn't want to fall into the trap of a childish troll. Good day and you have been ignored.

Iam Trolling ?? It's only trolling because you do not agree with me.

Do me a favor go through and look at all my comments I have made here since I joined Steemit. You will see Iam no such thing as a troll. I take this stuff serious and am a sincere person.

The fact is I thought you were way off base in your initial Comment and I made a reply.

It's called my opinion. Not trolling

Then you made a lewd, uncalled Comment about if only I had "fingers stuck between my legs" I would be better off. That's lewd. Very lewd and insensitive IMO.

As a result I said you were being indecent. Which is my opinion (Again not trolling). And probably to many others it's lewd and insensitive including the gymnasts if they saw such a thing posted in a Forum.

Then I see you erase everything you said. Which was puzzling. You were so confident in your blatant lewdness( imo) and so sure of yourself I made a Comment that if truly believed in what you said why didn't you leave it on the Blockchain.

Anyway, that being said I do apologize if you were abused. I truly do. It's wrong for any child. The Gymnasts, you, and millions of others

But in all honestly seeing your Username and your Comment , I took it as your trying to prove a point by exaggerating or making something up.

My bad, if you have been abused . That's not good for anyone. If you ever want to talk about it or post about this terrible experience I would be open to reading it and writing a insightful and hopefully helpful Comment.


And maybe I should not make assumptions anymore here at Steemit and take people face value for what they say to begin with