Hope Everybody In Florida Is Fine - Driving Home Now 🌞

in #life β€’ 7 years ago (edited)

Driving home now. From what I saw on the news downtown Miami, the Keys and Jacksonville got the worst of it. I received phone calls from people who stayed and stuck it out and they said my home is fine and my investment property is ok. Just minor damage like the fence broke and a few small trees fell. The big issue is there is no power in both locations but I'm hoping at the very least by tomorrow it should be back up. I hope everyone and their property is okay.

Investment property is looking dry! One block from the ocean. I was going to replace that old fence during renovations anyway!

Img source https://goo.gl/wbsfy2

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Have a safe drive!

Thanks sweetie, looks like if I stay in this one spot at work my internet lte works lol. If my internet is still crappy when I get home today I will activate an air card from a different carrier. Talk to you soon😜🌞

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Gaia really needs our vibrations to raise this planet up Goddess <3 @road2wisdom

Thank you. It's been brutal no power in most areas and the internet is down. Even cell phone service is up and down. I appreciate the positive energey. Stay sexy <3

Glad things turned out to be ok for you guys!!!
Heard about reverse storm surge and sea went dry or somthing!!!!

Glad to see that you're ok. Unaffected property is also great.
From now on I guess is back to normal.
These are the times that you actually appreciate routine and normal life.

Nice pic mam and Florida too

Yeah. The damage doesnt seem to bad. All the news i heard is that its caos up there

Yes. I was expecting much more damage the news makes it seem like caos in florida right now


Im continuing follow your cool content :)


Safe travels home!

Happy to hear that Irma decided to help with your fence renovations.

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Good news that Irma is downgraded. Now the clean up. It's good to here that your investment property dodged a bullet. Hopefully the same is true for other Floridians. Stay safe.

Glad to hear tha you and you're property safe!

Glad to hear that all is (mostly) well! I hope your power is back up again soon.

Great news. Hurricanes are the worst and always so unpredictable I know as someone who used to live in South East Texas.

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