Are you living your best life? Or do you think you lack somewhere and are unable to live it to the fullest?
Well, that is a silly question to ask. Because if you were already living your best life and making the most of it, you would not have come across to read this article.
So, here we go to help you out with some life-changing ways to make your life happy, peaceful, content, and every second of it count. But before going further, let us first discuss:
a) What does it mean to live your best life?
What does it mean to live your best life?
We know now that you want to live your life to the fullest. And there is no problem with it. That is great. But do you know what does it mean to live complete life? If yes, then it is okay. But if not, let me tell you that living your best life means -
1 To take the best advantage of every opportunity life gives you without being lazy, fearful, procrastinating, and with utmost determination, will, and courage.
2 Reside God in your heart, believing that nothing is impossible with him, or say, having endless faith in him.
3 Dealing and going so easy with each problem in life like there is not any we can not find the solution of, with the belief that, no matter what happens in life eventually everything will get sorted out.
4 Working hard, smartly, doing work easy, looking at work as a beautiful part of your life, not taking work as a burden, loving what you do, doing what you love.
5 Handling responsibilities, taking accountability for your words, actions, deeds.
6 Having the courage to live the life you have always dreamt of, doing all you need to do to live the life of your dreams.
7 Discovering yourself, your inner self, your purpose on Earth, for what unique purpose God has sent you on Earth. And keeping calm, doing your work, and happily waiting for the right time to arrive, if by chance, you are unable to find your life purpose at the moment. Because if you will keep going no matter what, one day you will find it for sure.
8 Learning from your past mistakes, correcting them if possible, and trying not to repeat them in the future, learning each day from wherever you can, growing or grooming yourself each day however you can.
9 Character building, learning to be patient, kind, lovable, respectful in life. To work on enhancing your character each day and acknowledging and confirming that you are not hurting anyone with your words, deeds, and actions. To be kind and genuine to everyone and every person you meet. Knowing the art of handling, loving, maintaining relations, be it your friends, family, or others. Making your loved ones feel your love and care for them, giving them surprises, small gifts, or just cracking a joke to bring a smile on their faces for pure gifts have no monetary value, and making someone laugh and smile is the best gift you can ever gift to someone.
10 Being the helping hand to the world in whatsoever way you can, knowing the importance of giving, spreading love, and winning the world with love and only love.
11 Knowing the exact meaning of putting yourself first. No doubt, self-love is crucial and a priority. We must love ourselves enough first so that we can love others with all our hearts. But in the process of loving ourselves, we must take care of the fact that we are not getting only self-obsessed and looking at others for granted, no. We must respect every relation, every person, rich or poor, low caste, high caste, white, or dark. For true beauty lies in the heart, there is no value of external beauty.
12 Not letting negative thoughts hover over your mind, and be positive no matter how difficult the circumstances are.
13 Doing all it and still going the right way amidst it and living life like there will be no tomorrow.
In short, to live your best life means to find it all and live it the best way possible.
Why must you live your best life?
You already know why you must live your best life. But let us still discuss, it is because we only get one life, then why not make the most of it, why not live and enjoy every moment, why not live before we die, why not set an example among the people how we should live, why not live the way others will talk about when we will die?
So, you want to live your best life but do not know how to live it? Do not worry, here we are, to help you out with,
How to live your best life?
1. Sleep and wake up with gratitude

Many people, especially youth today, suffer from sleep problems. They face difficulty sleeping after going to bed at night. As soon as they go to sleep, lots of emotions, hurt, past trauma, negative self-talk, or something wrong said by someone to them trigger their mind. They keep on thinking and thinking and thinking which, ultimately hinders their good sleep routine.
So, when you go to sleep at night, you must first close your eyes and relax. And then, you do not have to go negative, but instead, focus on what all positive happened with you the whole day because no doubt you will find many when you look deep. Be grateful for them and tell your mind and heart to work and pray to get what you want more from your life. And after that, go to good sleep with gratitude.
Similarly, wake up each day with gratitude, Look for the positives in your life, and tell your mind to work hard to eliminate the remaining toxicity from your life.
2. Count on the blessings in your life

To live our best life, we must count on the blessings in our life. Because, when we will look deep, we will find that God has already blessed us more than we ever deserve from life, no doubt.
If you have a roof to cover your head, food to eat, clothes to wear, and family and friends to rely on when in trouble, believe me, you are lucky more than you can ever imagine of yourself and as compared to most other people in the world. Many, many people in the world crave to have what you have.
So, when it feels like you are losing focus of your life, first, relax, and then see God has already blessed you with so much. And if still, you feel stressed, then it is because you fail to recognize your already beautiful blessings in life.
3. Design your ideal life

There is no doubt you must be aware of how your ideal life looks like to you. Everybody knows. So, don’t be lazy, don’t procrastinate, don’t panic, do not be disappointed and nervous, and just put your kind of perfect life into practice. Sleep early at night, wake up early in the morning, go for a walk, exercise, spend time in nature, set a routine for your whole day, and be consistent with it. Get serious with your days. Work out, work on your body, body toning, look natural, glowing, stay fit, healthy, work on your personality, enhance your communication skills regularly, learn vocabulary, be a great communicator. Try to look good, for it will also boost your confidence and help you make your influence among the people.
4. You are lucky if you are reading this
Do you think you are not living your best life? Well, it’s just your illusion. Or say you are not utilizing all of your talents to the fullest or not taking enough advantage of all the opportunities life has to offer to you. Look, you have all the sources, for example - you have the gadget to read what I am writing, the required reading skills to read and understand the same, learn something from it, or follow it in your life if you want to.
5. You may be very late, but consistently working hard can pay off
You may have made many mistakes in your life. Maybe you are late, very late, in maintaining your career, relationships, but still don’t worry. It happens, it may not happen with most people, but you are not alone. What you have to do here right, in this case, is move on, start, start somewhere, start anywhere, start little, but start, and be consistent with it. I am sure eventually, everything will fall into place.
6. Be a giver

If you want to live a happy and fulfilled life, learn to be a giver. Some people have an illusion that they can only give when they are rich. But no, it is not like that. You don’t have to be rich to give. To give to someone needs a big heart and not richness. It’s not that you can only help people with money. No, you can give in anyway. You can give in ways you cannot even imagine.
You can smile towards anybody and be friendly. In return, the person you are smiling towards will do the same with another person. And in this way, you spread more positivity in the world. You can donate books, clothes, or other things which are of no use to you now. But remember, they must be in giving condition. You can save a little money every day and put it in a helpful fund. And then, when you can gather a sufficient sum of money to help the needy, you can do the same at that time.
You can teach and guide students who can not afford quality education. You can teach them for a less sum of money or even for free in your spare time. You can volunteer for a good cause. You can do anything, think little you will find many different ways to give.
7. Be true to who you are, don’t fake

The one thing you must never forget in life is to be true to yourself and the world. Be true to who you are, be honest, and be true to your values. Never cheat or deceive anyone. Never play with someone’s feelings, emotions, or take advantage of someone’s kindness. Be obliged when someone helps you. Do not forget the people who help you, and in return, be ready to help them when they are in trouble. Don’t pretend fake care to anyone. Keeping yourself at your true self will help you gain positivity and confidence, and ultimately, you’ll get a better approach to how to live the best life.
8. You may have made a lot of mistakes in the past, but the decision to move the right way now and work consistently till life can pay off
We all are humans, and we all make mistakes. Mistakes are a part of life, to make us learn, grow, and become strong in life. But sometimes, with some people, it also happens in life like they lose the focus of their life and fail to recognize even the most beautiful gifts/blessings of life, and instead of being grateful for them, they keep on making mistakes. In such cases, life becomes difficult for the people themselves and others who fail to understand them. It is not that others are wrong, but it is just that situations become such that even they fail to understand what to do.
If you are stuck in any such situation, firmly decide to make a move first. God will help here also, no doubt. He is kind. We all are his children. He only wants his children to go the right path and grow. He is always ready to help. But, you have to will to change first and make things better for yourself. You have to start to do your deeds consistently, no matter what. You have to be good to yourself and the world no matter what. Then, he will come along with you, always to your rescue as the proverb says, “God helps those who help themselves.”
9. Share your wisdom

God has blessed each one of us with some talent or ability. I am good at something, and you are at some other. To live our best life, we must share our natural skills, talents, information, educational knowledge with others. For example, if you are good at studies, you can help other children who face difficulty learning subjects. Similarly, for another example, if you are good at singing, you can help other people willing to learn to sing and be better at it. And in this way, by sharing and caring, we ultimately build a life that’s far beautiful, best, and worth living.
10. Be a great listener

Don’t be selfish in your world. Communicate your problems with your loved ones, but at the same time, be willing to be a helping ear to the ones who need you when they are in trouble. And not only your loved ones, if anybody else also is in a problem, be it your neighbors, colleagues, or any other, be willing to hear, to help. You never know just by listening to someone’s problem and consoling them you will be there for them in need, how much difference you can make in the world, in someone’s life. Maybe by listening to someone in a problem, you give them all the strength to fight with it alone. So, go for it.
Let go of the bad habits like anger, frustration, irritation, jealousy, greed, arrogance, negative thoughts, etc. Also, adopt strength, positivity, being courageous, and being happily ready to fight with any circumstance in life without complaining.
You have to enjoy the little things in life, live in the present, be ready to let go of what you need to, embrace the change, wait for your kind of perfect time to come, be prepared to face the unexpected, and change the plan you have decided for your life accordingly, and learn to deal with your inner self. To make yourself feel better, you can also declutter, read books. Good books can change your mind and take you to a completely different world, a more beautiful world, and you never know one good book can prove to be life-changing for you, journal what you are feeling. Live it all till life amidst all. Ultimately, in return, your best life waits for you.
11. Value for money

To live your best life, you must value money. You must save no matter what. I am not saying you must not enjoy amidst and after work, I am not saying you must not plan travels, picnic, shop, good food, no, do, do everything you need to and love, but at the same time, value for money, spend accordingly, and save. You may not realize it now, but saving money and having an amount of saved money can play a good role in boosting your confidence, encouraging you to do better, opening more doors of opportunities for you, and can help you live your best life. I am not saying money can buy it all. No, I am just saying that you must still save for a better life.
To sum it up
Maybe you have a burden of work and responsibilities and think that you can either work, handle your responsibilities, or enjoy. Or you have some problems in your life and believe that you can only be happy when you will solve them. Or life has favored and blessed you many times, but you have failed all the times in your life only because of your foolish mistakes, and now you regret your past decisions and have no one now to guide you ahead. Or you have people in your life to support you, but they can’t right now due to some reason. Or you have to make the first move yourself and go ahead with it till you prove your worth to the world. Or you have all the opportunities and resources to move forward in life, but you lack the required courage and confidence to do so. It can be anything.
If you are living with any such or other sorts of dilemma, then, to be honest, it is evident that you have not found yourself yet.
So, you can use these life-changing tips to help yourself out on your journey to self-discovery, making your life better, and living your life to the fullest.

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