What do you do? Compare yourself with others? Think someone is always better than you? But, you are very wrong. Everyone is unique in their own ways. So you are the best in the form you have.
You need to practice self-love and appreciation. Life is the biggest gift you have. Body is another gift that you also need to appreciate. Think of the good qualities you have. Those qualities will make you fall in love with yourself. Love yourself for what you are. Don't compare with others. We need to criticize ourselves but not in a bad way. We should criticize ourselves when we want to learn from our mistakes.
Appreciate yourself, love yourself and be the best of yourself.
thank you for this great post, internal motivation is one of the most important motives at all and the most powerful and survival, this kind directs you and moves to reach the goals.
yeah, to reach the goal we need to fix ourselves first! :)
that true, yes...
True talk! The best form of love is self-love cos if you can't love yourself, you may find it difficult extending love to others and attracting love from them. Whenever you walk into a room, see yourself as the most loved, and watch as others perceive you as such because self-love is infectious and it spreads like wildfire.
Right you are! Only self- love can give us the strength to love others and get that back from them. Thanks!