It's about the money. Because with money one can buy anything. With money, one has power. The power to make more money. To buy more things. To get more power. To make more money.
I'm not totally convinced that, at some higher level, that it's all about money. As has become evident in the past few years, if one has enough power, one may literally print all the money out of thin air.
I'm sure that the small-minded among us, both in the ruling class and the proles, attach some (or all) of their self-worth to the acquisition of money/things/power. But I also believe that, behind the curtain, there are some who seek domination not just of people, but of existence itself. The most obvious goal for them seems to be immortality, but I believe that some yearn to displace the Creator entirely and that they seek to defile and destroy the Creator's works and use the distorted remains for their own maniacal ends. Those that shake their fist at the Creator. It won't end well for them.
You make a lot of good points. I mostly quite agree with your analysis.
That's the thing. Commercial banks literally conjure fiat out of thin air, through fractional reserve lending. It's heinous, fraudulent, absolutely criminal. Back in the 1980s I almost chartered a commercial bank on the island of Nauru. My part in it would only have been $40k, which was doable at the time. However, my distaste for the endeavor overrode my desire for more money, so I did not do it. Today I reckon, despite my financial situation, I made the right decision because I really hate banksters and that whole realm. I actually struggle to avoid receiving money in exchange for my services, because being paid in money incurs tax liabilities I do not want. I hate taxes more than I hate banks, and that's saying a lot.
However, I have literally shaken my fist at the sky and demanded He get His shit together. Silly, I know, but I was exasperated at circumstances that kept being sabotaged out of left field no matter how many fires I put out. So, I can at least understand that level of frustration with the Creator.
And, you're right. Getting old sucks, and life doesn't end well. I'm confident I'm doomed, although I'm pretty sure shaking my fist at the sky didn't bring that on. Death stalks me like a panther does bunnies. Sooner or later, as my strength increasingly fails me, as my hide become fragile and thin, as my lungs wheeze and my joints ache and tremble, it'll jump me out of nowhere, and I won't be able to stave it off. I am going to die, and dying sucks. Maybe being dead is cool, and you go to the light at the end of the tunnel and are immersed in love and joy, but the act of dying - that sucks.