‘Analyze this, analyze that,’ they say, but you better analyze yourself first!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

This post is inspired by one of the latest posts of @lifeisawesome and some other posts I’ve stumbled upon here on steemit recently.

Have you seen the Analyze this movie? I guess we all saw this great movie with ingenious Robert De Niro as well as the sequel Analyze that (the last one is not so good, I know).

In brief from imdb:

When mobster Paul Vitti (Robert De Niro) suffers a crisis of confidence, threatening his ability to lead his criminal empire, he turns to professional help in the way of Dr. Ben Sobel (Billy Crystal) a psychiatrist who accidentally became acquainted with two of Vitti's henchmen. Dr. Sobel and his finance, (Lisa Kudrow) soon have their world turned upside down by Vitti's increasing demands for Sobels services which displace any semblance of order for the good doctor's heretofore mundane existence. Meanwhile, the growing importance of "the shrink" to the operation of the Vitti organization has not gone unnoticed in the law enforcement community, and the FBI approaches Sobel with an offer he cant refuse: betray Vitti by wearing a wire or spend a long time in a federal prison.

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Well, I’m not going deep into the plot of the movie mentioned above, just some things: an adult needs a help of psychiatrist, because of his inner mental problems. Now, how many people you personally know need professional help with their psychological problems? I bet all of us sometimes have some kind of mental problems. Fear, apathy, depression, lack of confidence, just a bad mood out of a sudden and total inability to cope with these conditions. Why all this is happening to us? We mostly don't know and blame someone or something and eventually seek help from our friends or relatives or eventually a professional help of a specialist.

Some years ago my daughter entered a school after her carefree kindergarten years. After a while I realized that I badly need a professional help for her. Her mental condition lead to inability to sleep well in the night and then to problems in the school, because she couldn’t rest normally. She would wake up in the night several times demanding my wife to sleep with her and yet, even when my wife would stay with her, she still would check several times during the night if her mama is with her at the moment. Luckily we have a professional psychologist working full time in our school. So, that specialist made some tests very soon and called my wife and me for a talk. Surprisingly for me, in her opinion the problem was in some tension between my wife and my daughter. Literally that specialist told us that my daughter has easy relationship with her father (me), but some problems with her mother (my wife).

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I guess you wonder how it’s related, tension in relations with mother and inability to sleep normally in the night. Well, I don’t know despite the fact that I received “A” grade in psychology class. The best advice of the psychologist sounded weird for me–she advised that I as a father should stay with my daughter during the night, and her mother would sleep in a separate room. We should do it for some days up to a week and see what happens. The result was just stunning–after some days my daughter was happy to sleep with her teddy bear in her own room without any worries during the night. How this happened? I don’t know, but hereafter she slept well and had great successes in her school.

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Now back to the topic: what I was going to say here is that we need to be taught how to analyze ourselves first, and then be educated about environment around us, we could help ourselves as well as our kids or relatives. I’m not an education specialist, and I’m also not aware of how education systems are structured around the globe, so correct me if I’m wrong here. Yet, from what I see, nobody teaches us specifically what to do with our mental conditions. I haven’t heard of any self-analysis classes being included into education process in any country (again correct me if I’m wrong here.) They teach us how to read and write, we study math an physics, but not how we are supposed to live with ourselves.

For me education process looks like this: you are extremely lucky, if you have good teachers in your school. When I say a good teacher, I mean not just a person, who knows everything about the subject studied in the class, but a person who teaches kids how to study, who makes them eager to study and more important how to be happy. (Needless to say, in you are already lucky, if you have wise parents that will teach you how to be happy).

"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life." – here is supposedly a quote from a very famous man (guess who!).

Instead of conclusion:

I’m an adult and throughout the day I have a palette of feelings: I may want to kill someone right now from time to time or just want a cup of coffee with a chocolate and a million dollars. Sometimes I need a glass of red wine or in some cases I need a bottle of vodka. That depends, we all have different situations in our lives, but I think after many years I’m starting to know myself better.

Would it make myself happier and more successful, if when being a kid I would be professionally taught how to analyze myself, how to deal with my mental conditions? Sure!
Would it make a better world, would it save this world of hatred and violence, if kids would be educated about themselves? I bet so! Violence engenders violence, problems seeming insignificant in young ages turn out to be huge problems when the kids grow up and make hundreds, thousands or even millions people suffer later (we all know the examples from history).

Can bad kids come from bad parents? Well, it happens sometimes due to many additional circumstances. Can good kids come from the bad parents? Why not, I’ve seen many good persons that have totally indifferent, bad and even cruel parents. What are the odds that a kid will grow up into a happy, self-sufficient, and successful individual in each case. I believe that wise parenting along with proper education would lead to a better world. What we need here? We need professional self-analysis education when we are yet small kids, so that any mental problems would not grow into a weapon of mass destruction.

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Seems that I have a lot of letters typed here already… Feels much better now (Hey, hey, I saved the world today, everybody's happy now, the bad things gone away)
Have a wonderful day and all the best! Cheers!

Some of my favourite songs for you all people of this small world:

I hope that you liked my chaotic thoughts here, if so, please upvote this post.
Would also love to read your comments and stay tuned ;D


Good story.

Psychology and philosophy should be part of teaching others and ourselves all throughout life. This is to know thyself. They are very important. They will help us raise ourselves into more knowledgeable and wise people.

Self-analysis, introspection, contemplation, refection, are essential tools to higher consciousness living. We have to face the mirror and accept the reality through knowledge before we can move ahead, rather than in denial of how things are.

Most of us need to raise ourselves more, in learning, knowledge and consciousness, because society and parents is not doing i right, unfortunately. Life is learning. :)

Take care. Peace.

Wow, what a great conclusion for my post!
Thank you very much and all the best ;D

Parenting is such a crapshoot. The best you can do is raise your kids with love and consistency. Then it's a matter of seeing if they grow up to be good, loving, productive adults.

Perhaps I misuse the term? I used it in sense of "the process of taking care of children until they are old enough to take care of themselves". You are right indeed about raising kids with love and consistency.
Anyways, thanks much for reading and all the best!

No I see what you're saying. Self-analysis is certainly useful as an adult. It might help to learn it earlier as children.

Exactly! Thanks a lot again.

Sorry I'm late to the party - I just read this. Wow. Nice. Very nice :) Also, thanks for the mention :)

I agree with everything you wrote.

Thanks a lot ;D

It was John Lennon who spoke those words. Beautiful post!

Thank you a lot ;D

I must confess I have mixed feelings on this, but you raise a great point.
I practiced as a psychologist for a time and have lots of bits of paper as well as experience in the field.

I also have kids and I agree 100% with Nubchai (see comment below) when he/she says that the best you can do is raise them with love and consistency.

Kids can often go off the rails when they hit the teens and as young adults. I'm not talking from a mental health perspective here - just the sort of stuff that worries us as parents - some of which can be dangerous.
However, if they know they are loved - no matter how bad it gets and if they survive - the foundation of love is there and they remember it - and some day they return.

Thanks for your great comment, but why mixed feelings?
My daughter is ten now, since she was born I had to buy a dozen books about kids. She had some stages of growing up already and I should say that I know myself better now, I'm growing up with her and now I better understand the problems I had when was a kid and teenager.
Ok, thanks again and all the best!

Hi richman,
Would you be able to do new introduction with your photo holding piece of paper with Steemit logo written on it, your username and date, please?
Then post it on Steemit or on your social media account (with link provided here)?
I would be very grateful for it. Thank you.

Hi logic,
I'm a little superstitious about my own photo, when it concerns money.
So, may I ask why you need this?
I'm richman in steemit.chat too.
All the best!

We are trying to verify identity of users. We would be grateful if you could do proper introduction post. Thank you.

You've puzzled me!
Who are we? Why you are trying to verify identity (lol I'm a celebrity or what)?
And why I shall do any introduction post?
Once again: I'm richman in steemit.chat - this way would be more proper to communicate ;-)