in #life2 years ago

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Bullet ants (Paraponera clavata) have habitats in the rainforests of South America and Central America. Be careful with these ants. When stung, the pain can be like an injection. The poison can be felt for up to 24 hours with the effects of sweating, shaking, fever, and even paralysis. Currently, the bullet ant population is the largest ant population in the world.


The Africanized honey bee is a hybrid subspecies of the European honey bee (Apis mellifera). This type of bee is dangerous and ready to chase those who disturb their hive. The venom in their sting is not particularly dangerous, but they often flock together, so the number of stings to the victim can be more than one. The amount of venom in large quantities can eventually be fatal to the victim.


Human botfly (Dermatobia hominis) is a type of fly that has no poison. But they are dangerous because they can leave eggs on the skin of mammals. The location where the eggs are laid can cause pustules on the skin and can trigger pain. Be wary because the color of this fly may look like a friendly bumblebee, but it's not. This insect species is in South America.


Fire ant species are not only dangerous from humans. These ants even kill other animals, such as small mice or birds, and even other ants. Fire ants are not as large as bullet ants, but their small size and high population make them even more dangerous.

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Have you ever seen a photo of a caterpillar that has long, silky-looking hairs? They are called cat caterpillars or puss caterpillars. Despite the cute name and shape, this insect has a dangerous venom. Do not touch. Because their fur can cause a very sore feeling.

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Vampire beetles (Triatominae) are also called kissing beetles. Why does the name sound romantic? It turns out that this beetle likes to bite someone's lips while sleeping. The bite is harmless, but these vampire beetles can transmit a disease called Chagas. Every year, 12 thousand people die from the "kiss" of this beetle. This species can be found mainly in the Americas, although it is also found in Asia, Africa and Australia.

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