Sounds like you're on a financial independence trip too.
I just quit my job, and I've got enough cash in the bank to last me a year, so I'm free until at least next summer.
As I see it the mission for the next year is quite simple: figure out ways of making money from what I enjoy doing.
Thankfully I don't need that much. I figure $2K/ month will easily be sufficient for me to live in comfort, I could survive off $1.5K a month.
If you're as frugal as I am, you're 75% of the way there already assuming steem doesn't carry on sliding!
Alan Watt's material is fantastic.
I assume you've read 'Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki. I can also recommend the Noble Eightfold Path by Bikkhu Bodhi, if you want something a bit more intellectual.
Good luck with the freedom mission.