Nurture Me Beautiful - A Return To Loving And Healing Self (Part 1)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

It’s always time to give ourselves deep care and self compassion.

How often are we at war with ourselves? On occasion we may blame ourselves when things don’t go right. Or we may neglect ourselves for long periods of time because we choose to be pulled into external realities of our jobs, other people and their problems, and too everything else going on in the outside world.

We procrastinate and put off things for tomorrow that we could do today, not realizing tomorrow does not exist there is only now.

And too often we fail to show up for ourselves and be our own friend. Remember the times when we have one pity party after another. And then we become the victim. “Woe unto me,” and life becomes all about what other people did to me.

I am reminded of one of the four agreements by Miguel Ruiz that says.
“Don’t take anything personally.” We must come to realize that we are strong enough not to be hurt or destroyed by what other people say that may or may not be meant for us.

When we neglect ourselves on all levels our frequencies change from a higher to lower vibrations, which eventually move into our physical body, which may shows up as early warning signs of pain, stress or anxiety.

If we still fail to pay attention at this point, these low vibrations penetrate even deeper causing grooves and imprints in our spirit which in turn shows up at a deeper level but this time it creates a toxic environment that gives birth to dis-ease.

Being out of balance causes us to move further from our true selves, and our center, our inner knowing shuts down and we forget who we are. We forget that when we truly know self and we live our truth we are in a state of wholeness.

Being out of balance gives us distorted views of our authentic self.
A disconnect happens which leaves us open and vulnerable for all manners of chaos and dis-ease. At this point the willpower and the energy fades and our quality of self care decreases.

This may be apart of a domino affect. As we allow or tolerate disrespect and dishonor from others , what we may not realize is it’s reciprocal because others around us become a mirror image and they do to us what we do to ourselves.
It’s time to return to wholeness.

nurture me
image by live yuga

nuture me
photo by Google-Pam Webdesigner

nuture me
image/art by Rita Loyd


Good reminder, thanks for the post! I love these topics and my first post on Steemit is pretty much about giving ourselves compassion in a new situation like moving abroad

Thank you @ fromplacetospace, I will follow you and I will definitely check out your post. And Welcome to Steemit!!!