I'm really quite blown away with this post. I love your honesty, yet your other posts had me truly convinced that you were 'in the zone'. I honestly don't meet many people that can write an inspiring post that I agree 100% with.
That being said, welcome to the journey. There will be tears, there will be anger, there will be jelousy, and then there will be acceptance. Enjoy it. I'm sure you're at the end anyway :)
Writing has helped me a lot. Also, Steemit is changing my entire ideology! Haha. I'm learning too!
Thank you, @raymondspeaks
To be honest, I'm not even sure where this post came from. I was sitting at a Starbucks with my laptop and it just starting flowing from my head onto the word processor document. Magic, really. And I feel a lot better now.
Raymond, you have been a great friend to me here and I thank you so much for that. I feel as though we have known each other for a long time.
Judging by what you wrote, we have!
I think that is sometimes the best way to approach- just let it flow :)
@cali-girl I've experienced the same kind of writing countless times in my life. Subconscious writing...very cathartic.
My apologies if you find this a little buttinsky like...I can tell you and @raymondspeaks are having a moment here ;p
So true!